48. Deleted memories

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"Is it just me or do you also think that Hyunjin has changed some aspects?" Han nodded his head at the man. "Of course! It is so clear. He seems to go back to the stage of a few months ago. Not only he is serious and cold to us but he seems to have no feelings."

Seungmin slid his hands into his coat pockets. "Since Y/n appeared, Hyunjin has personally gotten so much better. No matter how angry he is, he won't hurt anyone randomly. Believe it or not Dr. Kim, she is the only one."

"I think he has not forgotten anything, except Ms Bahng. I have an idea." He looked at Han. It was like their eyes talked with each other. "You mean..." Seungmin nodded.


"Oh my gosh! Teleporting from such a long distance will someday kill me." She panted hard and looked at the restaurant. "Home." She sighed in relief. As soon as she entered the restaurant, he saw a man sitting at a table. His back was facing her. "Dr. Kim?" He turned around and stood up immediately.

"Why are you here?" She went closer to him and stood in front of him. "I know that you were abandoned by Hyunjin on the way." He made a pity face. She fake smiled. "You just met him? That psychopath who kicks down the ladder!" She threw her purse on the chair. "He is abnormal." She said angrily while Seungmin gulped and took a step back from her.

"You are right, he is abnormal. But not a psychopath." He took a deep breath. "From where should I start....You have helped Hyunjin for a long time now. There is something you need to know. Let's talk?" She wasn't sure but she nodded.

After a while, "What-but...I- No....Hyunjin.." He held her shoulder. "Calm down. Be relaxed. I know it's too much to take because it happened so sudden." She calmed herself down and then started. "But how-how did he get such an illness? He never told me about this." She spoke in a low tone.

"Think about it. If the woman he likes knows he has an illness... it would be better to kill himself." She nodded "But....now he doesn't like me. I don't think I will be of any help."

"Was Hyunjin stimulated by anything, before it rained?" He drank up his juice, waiting for her to reply. "Stimulated...." She thought for a while. "I am not sure if this was the reason but when Jeongin kissed me-" Seungmin choked on his drink. "Jeongin kissed you?" His eyes widened. She shook her head rapidly. "No, no, no. You're getting the wrong idea. Let me finish. He kissed me on the forehead. Only. Forehead. And then Hyunjin-"

"I get it now. It is definitely because of self-protection. Have you and Hyunjin had any problems before?" She smiled. "A lot." He frowned. "First..." She started counting on her fingers. "He didn't let me stay with Jeongin for some stupid reason. And then suddenly told me to be his girlfriend. He didn't let me quit the job. And tormented me good. After tormenting me, he kicked me out to Jeongin! And you know what, I can't even count them because there are so many."

"Well, I-" He didn't know what to say. "Whatever it is, you mean that Hyunjin lost his memory because of me?" She pointed to herself. "It's just my guess. Ms Bahng please, you are needed to cure him. You have to help." She ran her hand through her hair. "Okay. What do you want me to do?"

"For now, nothing. Mr. Han is going to the memory bank. Hopefully, he gets something." She tilted her head. "A memory what?" He groaned. "I'm tired from explaining. Next time please." He fully leaned on the chair.


"Mr Hwang, I got the data of your memory. And I sorted out the important part." He joined the cable to the hard disk and switched the laptop on. The video started. "This is the first time Y/n came to your house." The video suddenly began to have some green lines across it. Hyunjin looked at Han.

< Failed to read the disk >

"It's impossible. The data in the memory back can't be deleted. Let's try another one." Han took out another disk.

< Failed to read the disk >

Hyunjin knitted his eyebrows and looked at Han. "Are the other files also deleted?" Han shook his head. "Before I selected them, I checked on a few. There was no problem. How come only Y/n's are deleted?" Hyunjin wrapped his arms across his chest. "Are you sure it's not because I dislike her so much that I deleted my memory myself?" He smirked. "No way. You have no idea how much you liked her."


The door's tinkling sound was heard again. She came running from upstairs. "Sorry sir, but the owner is not here-" She looked away. "Why are you here?" He looked around the restaurant. "I'm your boyfriend. Can't I come to you?" He pulled a chair and sat on it, making himself comfortable. She shook her head.

* No. He wouldn't say anything like this. For you, I have to lie.*

Seungmin's words were circling in her mind. "Umm...In the past, you usually visited me." He nodded. "I know. What else." She gulped. "Well you, picked me up to the company every day and in the evening drove me back. You would sometimes just randomly.....bring flowers for me. And we never had arguments." He coldly stared at her.

"Then, you should know why did I like you so much." She blinked a few times. "Well because...." She kept quiet. "Honestly, I don't know why you liked me." She mumbled, fixing her eyes on the table. "You seriously don't remember anything? Not at all?"

"That was the past, I don't want to be with you in the future." She nodded and smiled. "I understand." He couldn't get his eyes off her smile. He didn't know why. "Listen, as long as you promise to break up with me. I can promise you anything." She suddenly realized what she said. She can't go back on her words. "I don't agree to break up with you."

"Why? Didn't you just say that you understand?" She looked at him with lovely eyes. "I just want to be with you." He made a poker face. "Ms Bahng, stop playing around with me. I can satisfy you with anything. That's my promise. I can give you money, status-"

"Do you know? You are the same now, as I met you for the first time. Conceited, arrogant and cold. You don't care about what others think and want." Her words made him shut up. He stood up. "3 days, I want an affirmative reply from you." He exited the restaurant. "Dr Kim and Mr Han just pressured me." She held her forehead. "If not even them, I still have to get my annunciator from him. Life on earth is harder than I thought."

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