76. The Lying Games

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She ended their eye contact and stood up. "Ok." She nodded and sat on the chair beside him. "If you want to cause trouble, then I'll find my ways to make you stay away from me." There was silence from his side. "Why don't you just leave?" He intertwined his fingers with his. He took out a shaky breath. "You indeed want me to leave...."


Jeongin took the can out of the vending machine. He went towards the place where they were before but stopped at a short distance from them. He silently observed.

"I like your perfume. You know, I was wondering for days why am I so familiar with the fragrance. It's like I've met it before. So, I went to the florist." Y/n became silent. "He said that-" She didn't let him continue.

"I'm not interested in what he said or what you heard." She stood up to go but she suddenly felt a gentle touch on her hand.

She turned at him only to find him looking at her fondly. "When you made it... were you thinking about me?" She turned away and stayed silent. He pulled back his hand and ran it through his hair. "You confuse me, Y/n. You care about me then why do you suddenly want to push me away?"

Jeongin's eyes were filled. His vision got blurred. He blinked his eyes once as his tears rolled down his face.

Why was it happening? What he has become because of her? Why was he so afraid of losing her when she wasn't even his?

He didn't want Y/n to see him like this. He turned around and exited the court.

Y/n still didn't look at him. "What I think, does it matter?" Her voice was low.

She faced him. "Ever since I came here, everything is just not the way I thought it is. I hated you, but I became your girlfriend. I wanted to go home, but it became nearly impossible. I feel like I've been chasing a shadow. I'm running all the time. I thought I can get what I want soon. Every time I hoped, it got better and better." She breathed.

"But, at last... I found that I even lost myself. I'm just tied. I want this to stop." She stopped her saying and looked at his reaction. He wasn't looking at her. His eyes looked straight.

"I promise you. From now on, I won't come to you anymore. No matter if you wanna be alone, or with someone, I won't step in." He smiled a little and looked at her. "But I will be waiting for you. You will come to me." He gave her a last glance and exited the court.


The man was roaming here and there tired while waiting for him. He heard some footsteps as he looked at the stairs and saw Hyunjin coming down in his suit, grabbing his chest area. Han started busting. "Why did you play tennis? You just healed. You know chairman-"

"Let's go." Han closed his eyes tightly to control his temper and then opened them. Hyunjin was already near the car. Without saying a word, Han went to the car and opened the door for him. Hyunjin sat in comfortably and closed his eyes.


She stepped into the office without knocking. "Yesterday, you suddenly just disappeared without saying anything. And why are you not answering my calls? Are you okay?" He didn't look up as he was busy with his file. "Do I look like I'm not ok?" He said coldly.

"I thought you got hurt yesterday so-" He looked up at her. "You've explained this much. Are you afraid that I might think you care about me?" Y/n frowned a little. "Jeongin.... "

"About the perfume case, I've stopped it." Y/n widened her eyes. "Why? We had put so much effort into it!" He supported his elbows on his table.

"That's my decision. Does a boss needs to explain to his employee about it?" Y/n didn't like this unusual attitude of his. "Jeongin, what's wrong with you?" Her face showed her disappointment. She didn't say further and walked out of his office.


"Live in 3,2..." The cameraman gestured to the reporter. "Good morning everyone. My name is Lee Eunjung and I'll be updating you with a piece of bomb news. The famous playboy, as we all call him, is the president of The Hwang Cooperation, which is also the company right behind me, recently a rumor has been circulated about him. The rumors say that he has Amnesia." She stressed on the last word.

"Is it recent? Or was it from the past? We don't know yet but the company was negatively influenced by the exposure of Hwang Hyunjin's sickness, not only in Seoul but throughout Korea. By reports, this news is getting popularity after being released on the Internet from an unknown website. The heat right now is just in one night."

Jeongin looked at the big monitor in the hallway. "And this amnesia of Hwang Hyunjin will cause a great impact on the H group's interests. It will challenge the subsidiary company of Mr. Hwang." With each sentence, Jeongin's heartbeat rose and his eyes widened.


"All these years, he hid it and kept working. Is this because he wanted to become the inheritor of The Hwang Cooperation-" The old man closed the television while he was in complete shock.


His car arrived at the company. The reporters rushed over to the car. The door was opened by the security. He ignored all the questions and went into the company with the bodyguard's security. The first person he saw was his 'loving' uncle.

"It's surprising that you have been hiding it for this long." He opened his shitty mouth. Hyunjin's expression was hard to describe. It looked like he wore the expression of Professor Snape from the Harry Potter movie. "It's very nice of you. You've done so much in my back, right?" He said and walked away leaving the man speechless.

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