7. Hide her identity

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They were standing in front of each other. Hyunjin's dark eyes on him make him lose his shit. "How many times I have told you to take this seriously!?" His shout at the end of the sentence made him flinch."Hyun-" He came closer to him.

"Hwang Jeongin, you think I am doing this for me? I am trying my best to help you. You said you like art and don't wanna do this company stuff. Did I ever stop you? I have given you all you wanted and supported you through this, but all you give me is just...."

Jeongin looked at him furiously ."Hyung, I know you have sacrificed a lot for me but, this is not what I wanted. I never said I wanted to be trapped in a room and do all is just paint. Artists need inspiration from different things or places. You never let me go outside. I know I said that I wanted to prove myself to dad and mom but, in this condition......... I am tired of this life."

Hyuniin nodded and turned his back to his sibling. Jeongin understood the situation and tried to bring a better atmosphere. "I know that you have spent a lot in the exhibition but, do you know how sad I get when I see my artworks get sold. Do you know how much effort I put into them?" Jeongin looked at the laptop placed on Hyunjin's table. He saw the screen and smiled. "You kept this as your wallpaper?" Hyunjin turned around. "'Huayin' , I named it huayin."

"You haven't forgotten about that woman?" Jeongin's smile faded. "'Huayin' stood out by the vivid fog." Hyunijn took a pause and then continued. "But what you really want to express is the daisy in the corner. If I remember correctly, daisy represents hidden love."

"How do you know?" He asked with an angered expression.  "Jeongin, you either keep your relationship with that woman and continue to create or forget everything and restart your work and life. And stop playing with that delivery girl's affections. After all, such a simple-minded girl will do crazy things once she gets serious."

Jeongin sarcastically laughed. "Do you think it's appropriate for you to tell me this? You know, you have dated so many disreputable girls."

Hyunjin narrowed his eyes. "Say that again," Jeongin smirked. "Is there anything wrong with what I said?"

"Take him away." He stated before he could lose his temper. Jeongin knew what would happen after they take him. Maybe he is forced to make paintings again all alone or maybe he is grounded. The bodyguards stretched their arms to take the stubborn kid away. But, it didn't go the way they wanted to.

Jeongin punched them and escaped from the office. Running towards the elevator. "Man! It's gonna take time," he said while rushing towards the stairs. "Stop running you idiot!" Jeongin face filled with tension.

He finally reached the ground floor but the scene wasn't over yet. Hyunjin was still following his pace behind him. Out of a sudden Jeongin bumped into someone that made him fall. "I am so sorry- Jeongin, are you okay?" he looked up. "What the - how did you even get here." he stood up.

"I told you before, I am an al-" Hyunjin cut her off while griping Jeongin's arms with his whole strength. "You thought you would run away huh?"

"What are you doing?" Hyunjin looked at her irritated. "What do you think princess?" Y/n rolled her eyes. "Though you have a hot body, you are a nasty person." He looked demented but just ignored her. "Dude, you are worse than I thought. leave him!" Y/n tried to pull his arms off her dear friend. Everyone's eyes were fixed on the three of them. "Jeongin, ask your girlfriend to not make a fuss in the company."

"For the 100th time she is not my girlfriend. And if you will stop chasing me, there will automatically not be a fuss in the company." Hyunjin was enraged. His grip got stronger. "I want to investigate you. I know you have my annunciator." Y/n placed her hands around his waist and started searching him which made him loosen his grip on his brother. Jeongin quickly ran away thanking y/n. "No! Jeongin, Come back!"

He looked at her sharply and stopped her moving hands by holding her wrists and pinning her to a wall nearby. Everybody was shocked by the behavior of their president.

"Just one night has passed. Do you want to get close to Jeongin that much? Do you want to help him or hurt him?" She wasn't listening to anything instead she was focusing on testing something. 

As expected, as long as he touches her,  she can't use her superpower.  "Answer me!" She blinked a few times. "I was looking for you, not Jeongin."

"Looking for me?" She nodded rapidly. "Do you have a feeling that you and I are the same kinds?" Seeing a disgusted face, she already knew the answer. "I am, Like you?"

"Yea..I thought of a lot of possibilities. You're maybe an agent from our planet sent on earth. Or you must have something to do with the annunciator because you have so many strange characteristics. Which one is true?" She asked him.

"Do you wanna hear the truth? I think......." he rested before continuing. "You're out of your mind. You always live in your world and say things that no one can understand. Don't you say that you're an alien? Then go back to your planet. You are not welcomed on Earth." He released her and went straight to his office.

Walking down a street, her mind was still filled with his harsh words. "Why is he so rude towards me?" She started kicking a stone she found on the way to her destination. "Maybe because he gets annoyed as you always say that you are an alien." Y/n got startled for once but then looked at the bag she was carrying on her back. "Yeah, I think you are right Somi. Fine if he finds it 'annoying' so I'll not say that I'm an alien. I will live like a human here. I have to hide my identity for a while."

"Good decision." The little turtle nodded. "But, I'm just curious. I mean why do my powers not work when he touches me? You see I can use my powers on every Human here. But him? I think he is from our planet. There is no other possibility that I can't use my powers on him." She sat on a bench and kept the bag down on the seat.

"You're right. We need to find a way in which he is not irritated by your presence, and you can find out why are your powers not working. Because mine is working fine when I'm around him. It might be something related to you. Plus you also have to find your annunciator. Don't forget about that." Y/n nodded. She started feeling stressed but didn't show it.

"Han, give me the documents related to the agreement." He nodded and handed his boss the file. As soon as he opened it, a flyer fell on the floor. Hyunjin picked it up and shook his head in disrelish. "Mr. Han, blacklist Bahng Y/n. Make sure she can't enter here again." Han was unaware of who was he talking about but still, he gave a positive response. "Don't worry sir, you will not see even a glimpse of her in this company." He just nodded and started looking through the papers.

An hour passed. Hyunjin glanced at the clock. Time to go home. He packed his stuff and left the company. In the car all of a sudden, a weird tune started coming from his assistant's coat pocket. Han pulled over to the side and attended the call. "Hello?...........what? Uh..." He took a look at Hyunjin from the mirror in front of him that was just the fixed at the side of the car. He gulped and then whispered.

"Have you planned to make me dead?... Shut up! Idiot!" He hung up and then turned around to Hyunjin. "Uh......Mr. Hwang." Hyunjin raised his brows "What is it?"

"Sir, Jeongin......haven't returned home yet. We looked into every possible place but we can't find him anywhere." Hyunjin made a poker face. "I think I know where he can be."


"Jeongin stop drinking! That's enough!" She snatched the bottle. "Give it ba-" He couldn't complete the sentence before he collapsed on the table. "Jeongin, wake up." She shook him a little. Still no response. After shaking him for the 4th time he woke up.

"Is-is it really you? Jiho?" She tilted her head. "Jiho? No Jeongin it's me, Y/n. I'll get you some water." She turned around to take her leave but she felt a warm thing on her hands. She panicked. "No, No! Jeongin leave my hand!" Too late. "T-The frozen defense system turned off!" Her hands started shaking.

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