24. Criminals

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She felt uncomfortable, not knowing what to say. "No...So, why are you here?" Hyunjin's face saddened. "I-I was just passing by. Had a business to attend." They both remained silent for a few seconds until Y/n decided to break it. "I'm gonna go now." She smiled brightly and walked away from his sight. He sighed. "Am expecting too much?"

She stopped two women who wore the uniform of an employee. "Excuse me, what is there on that floor? What is it used for?" She pointed at the building. "The third floor? It's probably the research department of The Hwang cooperation." Y/n widened her eyes at the sudden information."This might be the backside of the building. I have never seen it. But why am I getting hints from there by my annunciator?

After an hour

"Why aren't my powers working? I can't go in." She finally quitted and went back home. She entered her room and closed the door behind her. She took out Somi from her pocket. "Somi, I found the annunciator but I'm not sure. I am getting similar energy from that room. The problem is that I can't get inside the room."

"Unless......I can walk in there fair and square. What am I thinking? The security is too tight. Plus, it's Mr Hwang's company. I've just decided to avoid him. I can't ask him for help again." She started thinking of a way to get out of the situation. "You fool!" Somi said. "Hyunjin is not only the one whom you know from The Hwang Cooperation." She suddenly got a little light. "Right! Jeongin!"


"Hey, Y/n! You called for help. What's wrong?" Y/n called Jeongin to meet her near a café. After the call, Jeongin didn't see anything else and quickly got there. "I am sorry for bothering you but this is important." She whispered the last part. "What is it?"

"Can you enter the research department of your company?" He got confused. "Why do you wanna get there?"

"I am looking for something really important. But I can't tell you what. So?" He nodded. "Have you seen this handsome face? " He said pointing to himself. "With this, I can go anywhere in my family's company. Get in the car."

At the company

"Sorry Mr Hwang, you don't have a certificate here. I really can't let you in." Jeongin stood there dumbfounded. Y/n looked at him and whispered. "Are you sure your handsome face is working?"

"Did you get a good look at me? I am Hyunjin's younger brother. You know me right? Maybe I have a share of this department." She bowed at him. "I know sir but I am so sorry. I can't let you in." With that, she opened the door by scanning her identity card and went in. "Y/n, let's go."

"Jeongin but this is not good!" He pulled her inside just I time as the door behind them closed automatically. The room was high tech. "Find whatever you want then we will have to run." He whispered. She nodded. Closing her eyes she again concentrated. She wasn't getting any energy from here. She found a glass case. It was empty but looking at the personality of the case, it was sure that something important was kept in it.

*I am damn sure it is taken away * She touched it a little. The sirens went out. Both of them looked at each other. "Run!" Jeongin took her wrist and started running towards the door. "But wait..." Jeongin stopped and looked at the woman. "Why are we running?" She lifted her shoulders and made an 'idk' sign.

* Why aren't my powers working? Is there something in this room that is stopping me from doing it? *


They both were now sitting on the couch. Y/n was biting her lips nervously. Hyunjin roamed here and there in front of them. "Broke into the Research Department!" He yelled. "Do you both know the consequences of being caught?" They both nodded their head in fear. "How dare you nod your heads!" They started shaking their heads to a no.

"You almost became commercial espionages today. They almost called the police. If I wasn't informed in time, it wouldn't be me standing in front of you but the police! And Y/n seriously? I can expect this from Jeongin but you?"

"What do you mean you expect it from me?" Y/n stood up from the couch. "If you want to blame someone, then blame me-" Jeongin immediately interrupted her words. "It was me who took her in. I wanted to draw a picture inspired by technology." Hyunjin was getting angrier minute by minute.

"You went to the research department with her to look for inspiration?!" His eyes then landed on Y/n. "And you also took this silly liability? This company is for people who work for their families. It's not your playground!" They both gazed down. "We're sorry," Y/n mumbled.

Hyunjin sighed. "Alright. I'll let others to keep it a secret. You two don't tell anyone outside." Jeongin smiled at his brother. "Thanks, hyung. We'll get going now." He took Y/n's wrist, ready to leave. "Wait. When you go downstairs if someone asks you just say that I called you to the company.....As for her, I have some personal matters with her to discuss." Jeongin let go of her hand and nodded before heading out.

She gave him an awkward smile. *Why me? Every time I try to distance myself from him, I get more closer. He is so scary. I guess this is my last day in the universe.*

"Sit down." He sat on the couch beside her. She got a little further and sat on the other one. "I said sit here." He pointed the seat next to him. She hesitated but sat at the edge of the same couch, still a little space between them.

"I told you how I feel, that day. Have you decided yet?" His voice was casual. "I......I don't know either." He threw his head back at her reply. "Got it. So you would rather take risks with Jeongin today than ask me for help. This means that the person you love in your heart is Jeongin. Right?"

"It has nothing to do with Jeongin. It's just because-" She cleared her throat. "Because......I don't belong here at all." He nodded "So you are leaving?" She nodded. "I guess so. Mr Hwang, I didn't want to hurt you. And you fall in love with numerous girls. You are an amorous person."

"You mean that the reason you refused me is not because of Jeongin. right?" He chuckled a little. "Understood. Han was right. Take your time. I will let you feel my sincerity." He smirked a little. "I'll make sure of it."

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