5. In his house?

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Y/n quickly ran to the bar which she was familiar with. Running here and there she looked for him everywhere. But fortunately, he was there in front of her. On the beautiful stage which was lighted with the colourful neon lights. He was sitting on a chair with a guitar in his hands playing some random rhythms."Jeongin..."

"Ah... Y/n what are you doing here?" He smiled and got off the stage. "Some Handsome business man is coming to catch you." He smiled at her cuteness. "Just relax.... Come here sit down." He pulled the chair for her in the nearest table. He sat down himself, smile never leaving his lips.

"But, he looked really dominating. I don't think you should stay here." She suggested. "No one is gonna come ok?.... Waiter! Can you please gave us some red wine?" The waiter took the order then went away. "You drink right? I mean can you tolerate it?" She nodded but in her head the thought of him came repeatedly in her mind.

Soon after the waiter got the wine and he poured it in 2 wine glasses. It looked divine. They both took a hold of their glasses "Cheers!" Jeongin's eyes caught something. "Why are you wearing those gloves in your hand?" He found it funny. "Oh this, this is the only way I can avoid any touches from humans. You know if humans ever touched us even a little bit, something big could happen."

"Something big is about to happen." He walked in with heavy footsteps and a serious face. They both stood up. "Hyung, why are you here?" Jeongin said hesitating. "I should ask the same question Mr. Instead of taking your work seriously, you are taking your girlfriend on a date?" Y/n gulped while looking at the black suit which was covering Hyunjin's hot body.

* Y/n control. you can do it*

With that thinking in her mind she moved her eyeballs to the other side. "She is not my girlfriend. She is just a friend. And about the work, I can't complete it before the deadline. I am not you, that can do anything overnight with the speed of a cheetah."

Jeongin sounded done. Hyunjin glared at him. "You are disappointing me. Take him." The bodyguards approached Jeongin. "No! I don't wanna go!! "

"Hyung please." He begged him. He suddenly captured his right leg and started fake crying. He gestured Y/n to help him.

She bend down and held his left leg and started begging too. "Please please you-you ...what was his name again? You handsome but rude guy please leave him" she also showed her dramatic side to him. Hyunjin looked around and saw all the people there were looking at them awkwardly. "Get up." He said under his breath. "We will but Y/n is coming with us."

"No! She can't come to my house." Y/n gazed at Jeongin with her sparkling eyes. "Then we won't stand up." He had no choice left. "Okay fine. Just tonight." They nodded and stood up.

* Yes! I'll have a chance to search his house*  Y/n thought.

They were finally in his house. She was amazed while scanning the beauty of his house. "Dude, you live in luxury." It was just the three of them. "Maybe for you it's good but trust me it is no fun."

"Will you two shut up" Hyunjin said facing them. Jeongin ignored his brother's stare and looked at Y/n. "I'll show you your room. Let's go." She went behind him. Hyunjin went to his room to freshen up.

Later that night, when everyone was asleep Y/N woke up and very carefully without making a sound, went to the living room. "I will not go back without finding my annunciator." She started using her powers. She scattered all the things here and there to find it but it was no use. She heard the sound of a shower coming from a room. She went closer and discovered a room not far from the living room. She turned the doorknob and went inside.

The view was mesmerising. She was able to see him showering because of the glass wall. It was perfect to make her drool and imagine things that were never going to happen. The sexy surrounding made her feel a different kind of way. She kept on stalking until she dropped the photo frame on the nightstand. Hyunjin noticed the sound and wrapped a bathrobe around him making his way out of the shower. He saw the photo frame but no one around it. He picked it up gently, and fortunately, nothing happened to it. But curiosity made through him.

"Oh no!! The room!" She whispers shouted. She managed to keep things as fast as possible. But heard footsteps coming closer. Few things were still not in their places. She ran towards her room trying to still put everything in its place. But..... She made a mistake that he noticed.

He was surprised to see a book that was on the floor to be kept on the shelf with no one around it. "The book just...." He thought it was again a hallucination. He looked around all the living room but not even a single mosquito was there. He went to check on Jeongin, but he was peacefully asleep covering the whole bed with his body. He took a glimpse of the room Y/N stayed in but didn't check on it and went to his room thinking it was his brain playing with him again.

"Where would it be? Maybe... In his room.?" She went to his room. The door was open so it was easy to go in. She looked at his figure sleeping. She bend down to the level on the bed and promised. "I will only find my annunciator and not touch him in any cases." She went from his toe, through his legs until she reached the place near his heart.

She started feeling something but it was interrupted when he opened his eyes, grasped her wrist and turned their positions. He hovered over her on the bed staring directly into her eyes. "Tell me, what did you steal?"

"Steal? Are you crazy? I'm not a thief. I was just finding my annunciator." He didn't believe her. "That's a really bad lie." She narrowed her eyes. "If you don't believe me you can search my body." She started to open the first button of her shirt. He widened his eyes and got up from the bed, back facing her.

"You are shameless! I don't understand why Jeongin settles for you." She got up and said, "Fine then I'm going." It was like a deja vu. She used her power to go through the wall but then, he touched her so it failed. So it doesn't work when he's around? He held her wrist and called the security guards. "Come here, quick. There's a psycho in my room."

"Let me go!" The bodyguards held her from both sides. "Go from here and never come back." He went back and let the bodyguards handle her. "Tell us where your home is Ms."

"You don't have to bother I'll go on my own." She said with attitude. "Mr. Hwan-" The bodyguards looked back and she took the opportunity to vanish from there. "What the- where did she go? She was in our grip right? "

"Find her!


Note :

hyung - elder brother

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