44. Their identity

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"Heart beat....Hear beat! His heart beat was very fast that day. Jeongin do you think was it because he was angry because you left me there?" Jeongin shook his head. "If he was mad at me his heart beat wouldn't increase. He would beat me up."

Y/n rubbed her forehead. "Then what can make a person's heart beat fast?" Jeongin thought for a second. "I suddenly have a terrible thought. What if Hyunjin has fallen for you." Y/n made a disgusted face. "If only, a man meets a girl he like, his heart will speed up."

"No way. He is so fierce towards me." Jeongin nodded a little. "You're right. A veteran like him, a string bean like you, maybe it might not be enough for him." Y/n nodded in agreement. "Y/n, let's go somewhere." Y/n looked at him with a questionable face.

The car stopped and Jeongin got out. He went to the other side and opened the door. "Please get off, your highness." He joked. Y/n smiled at him and got out. "This is a desert shop I specially looked for you......actually this is the safest place away from Hyunjin. We ran out without telling him. He might be chasing us."

Y/n chuckled and held his arm pulling him towards the shop. As a waitress saw them, she greeted. "Welcome to our shop. You must be couples. We have a special desert in our shop just for the couples. It is the tastiest desert in the universe."

"No we are not-" Y/n was about to explain her. "Tastiest desert in the universe? We would love to try it." He said excitedly. "Please come in." The waitress showed them the table. "You should write your names in the wall of destiny. You'll get a free gift." They both looked at the wall filled with Polaroid photos and names of couples written below them.

"Free gift..I'm in." Y/n mumbled. They both settled down. The lady gave them a sticky note and a pen and went away. "Are you sure Y/n?" Y/n wrote her name on the paper. "It's ok. No one knows us here." He smiled as Y/n passed the paper to him. He wrote his name.

Jeongin kept on looking at the piece of paper stuck on the wall. Waiting for the order, the feeling of boredom got through. "Y/n, we can't only have desert. I know a very famous tea shop near by. Wait for me, I'll be right back." Y/n nodded at the figure which was disappearing from her sight. "It's so boring..."

"It's been 20 minutes. Where is he?" She took the packed desert in her hands and waited outside the shop. "Hello? Jeongin, where are you?.... I bought it." A lot of noise was heard from the other side. "I'm standing in the line. Don't worry it's my turn after five, six of them." Y/n bent down a little feeling the pain in her legs.

"I'm tired. Come back, I don't like tea that much." She turned her body towards the right side. "Even if you don't, someone else does. I want to bring it for them. I promise I'll be back in 15 minutes." Y/n smiled alone. When turning towards her left, "Jeongin that's so sweet of you- what the!" She hung her phone up. "You scared me."

"Jeongin left you alone again?" He stared at the shop behind her. "N-No. He went to take something." Hyunjin ignored her and passed by her to enter the shop. Y/n widened her eyes at the thought that Hyunjin will see her and Jeongin's name on the wall. She held his arm. "Hyunjin-" Suddenly some confetti started falling from above their head.

"Congratulations! you are the 999th couple to visit out shop. We-" The waiter looked at Y/n. "Miss, didn't you just came with another sir?" Y/n nervously glanced at Hyunjin who was already staring at her furiously. "Who exactly is your boyfriend?" Another waiter asked. "That was her brother. I'm the real one." He said placing his hand on her waist. The waitress smiled. "Welcome."

The awkward silence between them was killing her. Though she was sitting beside him, she did not connect her eyes with him. Hyunjin supported his head on his elbow which was on the table and faced towards Y/n. "Explain." She finally looked at him. "What?" He eyed the wall. She lowered her head.

"We did that just for the gift." She mumbled but loud enough to catch his ears. He sat up and looked at the wall behind them. "These are souvenirs for you two. It's a pair of electronic couple watches." The waiter placed the handbag on their table. Hyunjin glared at the note which was recently stuck on the wall and snatched it from the wall harshly and crushed it.

"We don't want them. We are the 998th couple. Give it to the next one." She looked at both of them weirdly. "Okay....but you both can sign and stick it here." She passed the pen and notepad to them as she went away. Y/n sighed and started to sign. Hyunjin snatched the pen in her hands. He opened her right hand and started to right something. "H-Hyunjin, why are you writing your name on my hand?"

"So that you don't forget your identity." He closed the pen's cap. "You are the one who promised to be my girlfriend." He sat back and smirked. She looked at her hand then towards him and clenched her jaw. She picked up the pen and grabbed his clothed wrist. She started writing her name. He smiled. Finishing it up she said, "So, you are mine now. Please remember your identity."

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