59. Fake girlfriend?!

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He held the big handle in his hand. After thinking for a while he pulled back his hand and walked to his car. "Mr Hwang?" Someone called out. He turned back and saw the man. "Why are you here?" He asked. "Uh...Just passing by." He gave him a little smile.

"Has...Y/n got back? It's pretty late." Chan looked at the stairs. "I don't know. She probably has I guess. Should I call her?" He shook his head to a no. "She might be asleep till now. Don't bother." He smiled and opened the door of his car. "You just came here to see her?"

"N-No I'm not here to see her... Can we just pretend that I wasn't here?" He said all of a sudden. "Um..okay?"


"I'm not in a mood to work today." She said lazily. Jeongin chuckled. "And I'm always not in a mood to work. You can just go home. I permit you." Y/n looked at him happily. "Really?" He nodded. "Just pass this file on the way." He handed her the blue file as she walked out of his office. She was walking in the empty corridor when someone called out.

"Y/n." She stopped and turned around. Her blood boiled. "Yes, sir." She sent a cold glare to him. He kept quiet. He wanted to say something but something was holding it back. "If there is nothing, I'll go." She turned around. "I'm sorry!" He shouted.

Hyunjin sighed. "That's not right." He walked to her. "Someone said that more often we say sorry to the other, the two would be further apart. I should say something else." Her back was still facing him as she felt him behind her back. "Thank you." He said in a low voice near her ear. Her hands started shaking. She looked at them and panicked. "What's wrong, Y/n?"

"I gotta go." She said in a hurry and ran away. "Y/n!" He called out from behind.

She made her sudden appearance in a room. "Jeongin's office? Thank god it was not so far." Jeongin came inside as he got startled. "You scared me! When did you get in here?"

"Uh...right now." Jeongin pointed at the door. "But I was outside the door for a while." Y/n bit her lip and then laughed it out. "I never went actually. I was here the whole right." Jeongin smiled weirdly.


"Dr Kim." She waved at him. "Y/n? Why are you here all of a sudden?" He gestured Y/n to the sofa. She sat down and so did he. "Do you remember I asked you to help Hyunjin get his memories back? How's it going?" She looked down. "I see." She again fixed her eyes at him. "Is there any medicine that can delete my memories just like him?"

He chuckled. "What a couple. One has eager to recover his memory and the other is trying to forget. What happened?" He said opening his watch from his wrist and placing it down on the table. "Whenever I think about him, I can't control myself. He is a curse to me. It's like he has taken over my central system!" He laughed. "Why are you making fun of me?!"

"Hyunjin was right. You're so cute when you're angry." He chuckled again as Y/n was disgusted at the thought of Hyunjin saying that. "And, I'm not making fun of you. These symptoms are very clear to me...Three words. You. Like. Him." She widened her eyes. "Impossible! I-I don't like him. I just helped him for my goal- forget it, you won't understand."


He pulled out the shiny crystal-like stone. "Let's see Y/n, for how long you can hide it."


Han noticed Hyunjin being zoned out. "Is there something wrong with the file Mr Hwang?" He asked indirectly as Hyunjin blinked a few times coming out of his daydream. He looked at the file in his hands. "N-No, it's fine." He closed the file and gave it back to him. "Uh...Han, I was wondering if you could...tell me everything happened between me and Y/n." Han smirked. "Didn't you tell me to not mention her?"

"No I'm just..curious and-then don't tell me." He crossed his arms looking away
Han chuckled at the sulky man. "I will but it's a long, long, long story. I'll tell you when we are free." Hyunjin nodded.


"I don't like him...Or do I? Of course, I don't like him!" A chuckle escaped from his mouth. She turned her head around. "Whom you don't like?" He leaned himself to her table for support with his hands inside his pockets. "Being distracted while working. And caught by the director. Ready to write a self-criticism." He said with a serious face. "I'm already tensed. How can you throw a stone at me?"

"Didn't you go to meet someone? How did it go?" Her expression was drained and bored. "I visited him but after meeting him my troubles doubled."

"What did he say?" Y/n looked around, making sure no one hears them. "He said that I like Hyunjin." He frowned a little. "Isn't it obvious? I mean you were his girlfriend." She shook her head. "There was a special condition. We were not in a relationship that you think." He thought for a while only words mumbling from his mouth, 'Not in a relationship that you think'

He widened his eyes. "Could it be that...It's deceit from him?" She kept a hand on her mouth. "I didn't say that." He stood up. "You were not his real girlfriend!" She scratched the back of her neck. "I guess?... I mean you can say that..." He smiled. "You lied to me this whole time! That means you're not-" He smiled like an idiot. "I'm not?" He bit his lips to stop smiling and shook his head.

"Director, the meeting for the perfume approval is about to start. The leaders are waiting in the room." His assistant suddenly came in with a file in her hands. "The perfume approval!" She nodded. "Uh- you can go, I'll come myself." She nodded and went away. "Y/n! I haven't completed the sample. Hyunjin is gonna kill me! and you!" She facepalmed. "Ok let's make a deal. You don't give me the "opportunity" to write a self-criticism and I'll deal with the meeting."

"You? Can you?" She narrowed her tiny eyes. "You don't trust me?"

"Of course I do. But just that my mind is filled with the things Hyunjin can do to us." She chuckled. "It will not happen. Now let's go."

"Mr Hwang, Jeongin will be here in a moment." Hyunjin completely ignored his uncle and kept looking at the samples. Soon their entry was made. Jeongin pulled out his hand from Y/n's shoulder and made a straight face.

While everyone was busy talking about the meeting, the man walked over to him. "Jeongin, this is a formal meeting. Why did you bring her here?" He curved his lips into a mocking smile and replied, "She is the speaker Mr Kang. And we are at work so no Jeongin. Only director." He walks passed him with Y/n following behind. Jeongin sat down beside his brother. Y/n choose not to look at him. "The meeting will begin now." The employee announced.

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