Epilogue pt. 1

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The car stopped at the entrance as the security opened the door.

"We are reporting for you, The Hwang Cooperations CEO, Mr. Hwang Hyunjin, who was known as the womanizer, has got back to the company today. As the turmoil inside The Hwang Cooperations has calmed down. According to an insider, Mr. Hwang's amnesia has been cured and he is about to invest in the beverage business with low-calorie female drinks. The theme is about scented-"

Jeongin smiled and closed the laptop. He continued drawing on the paper kept on the table, waiting for Hyunjin to arrive in his office.

"How's it?" Hyunjin came in and sat on the couch. Jeongin handed the paper to him. Hyunjin got impressed by looking at the female cartoon version drawn. "It really looks like her." An idea popped into his mind. "Let's put Somi in there."

Hyunjin took the pencil in Jeongin's hand and drew a turtle next to her. "Nice bro," Jeongin said while looking at his brother's drawing skills. "But not better than me." He smirked. Hyunjin scoffed and ignored the statement. He finished and kept the pencil down. "The logo is perfect."

Two years later

Hyunjin sat on the chair with a long table in front of him. "Dear media friends, welcome to our product launch conference." The people present in the room started clapping. "You may now ask Mr. Hwang all the questions about our new product."

Hyunjin switched on his mic. A male reporter stood up. "Mr. Hwang, two years ago, the tea you created become popular in Korea. What's the purpose of the tea's name?" Hyunjin got closer to the mic. "There isn't any specific reason. I just thought it is unique." He said in his usual cold tone.

This time, a female reporter stood up to question. "You have 'womanizer' as your nickname. But these two years, we haven't heard any love affairs about you. Are you single right now?" Hyunjin leaned back in his chair and fixed his coat. "Well, do you think I'm single now?"

The reporter wasn't sure what to reply. "About this... we're not sure. Your relationship with your last girlfriend did quite a stir on the internet. We wonder what relationship are you two now."

"We... We're good." The reporter sat down as another female reporter stood up. "There are rumors that your 'delivery' girlfriend dumped you. But seems like it's fake. Then why don't we see you two together? Are you two married in secret?" Hyunjin didn't answer and looked down.

Talks started to take place in the room. Suddenly, a girl stood up. "Dear fellows, it's not every day that Mr. Hwang is willing to cooperate with us, the media. In order to complete today's draft successfully, it would be nice of you all to ask only about the product."

Hyunjin looked up at the girl and smiled a little. "Can I ask you a question?" He said looking at the girl. She nodded, confused. "What's your name?"

"Y/n. Choi Y/n." Hyunjin got amused but didn't show it. "You have a similar name to someone I know. So, Y/n, would you like to go on a date with me?" Everyone gasped in the room. "Big news! Take pictures!" The camera flashes weren't stopping. Hyunjin smirked.

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