32. Ruined Dreams

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"Mom." He came running to her. "What happened? Are you sick? Shall I call the doctor?" He kneeled on the level of the bed. "No. It's fine. Just because of some things going in my mind lately." Jeongin waited patiently for her to continue.

"It's your father. He said that you are useless. You can do nothing but paint little things like a kid. He said he will not let you work in the company. Son, it's not in my hands now." Jeongin felt broken.

He stood up straight. "Did he.....really say that?" She nodded in reply. He slapped his hands together. "Great! Now I don't have to work at the company." He smiled widely. She rapidly sat up. "Why is your reaction like this? "

"You called me back in hurry just to say this? I think what dad said is reasonable. If there is nothing else, I'm gonna go now." She didn't dare to speak another word watching Jeongin's eyes. It was burnt red.

The parking lot was filled with the echoes of his footsteps. He sat in the driver's seat as he suddenly got a call. "Mr Han?" He picked up. "Young master, I have not much time to explain. The gallery was on fire somehow and thinking you were inside,  Y/n rushed into the building." Han spoke in panic. "What?! Where is she now? Is she okay?!"

"We found her but she has fainted." Jeongin took all the information from him and rushed over to Hyunjin's mansion.

He ran downstairs and saw his brother working on his laptop."Where is she?" Hyunjin didn't bother to look up at Jeongin. "In the guest room." He ran towards the room and opened the door to see her laying on the bed. He sighed in relief and carried upto her. "I should've told her I'm going out," Jeongin whispered out of guilt.

"I didn't expect that you are the only one who cares for me" He smiled lightly. "She is awake. Don't worry too much." Jeongin felt Hyunjin's presence behind him. "And don't stand on ceremony. She is my girlfriend. Can be seen as your family."

"But even if they're family, they will never risk their lives for me. Only she can do such a silly thing." Jeongin's eyes didn't leave Y/n's small figure which was covered with a white blanket. "So, she is more important than your family?" Hyunjin asked raising his eyebrows. "I don't mean that." Jeongin finally turned around to look at him.

"It's just.....Ever since I've known her, she has been helping me all the time. She helped me to look for inspiration and went out with me. When I was down, she comforted me. When I was in danger, she ran into the fire just to save me. Hyung, do you know?" He walked over to him. "Only when I am with Y/n, I can feel that I'm an important person." He breathed out.

Hyunjin didn't like the atmosphere. "She just regards you as a friend." He stood near the bed. "Not only you, she cares about everyone. She is so silly and weird." Jeongin finally chuckled. "Right. I'm very lucky to have a friend like her...Hyung you must have work to do. I'll stay here tonight to take care of her."

Hyunjin shook his head. "It's okay, I have scheduled my time. I can take care of her myself." Jeongin smiled at him. "Then I'll come tomorrow." Hyunjin nodded in response. "But how did the gallery catch fire out of a sudden?" Jeongin asked out of curiosity.

"I also think it's kinda strange. I saw the smoke at first but it turned out to be a fire later. Just a few pieces of furniture were burned and, your exhibition was ruined. Other than that, there was no loss." Hyunjin knew how Jeongin was feeling. Worked so hard on it and it all just burned down? The exhibition was ruined. His dreams were ruined. The only thing that was on Jeongin's mind was that he will have to work at the company.


Her eyes pained heavily as she tried to open them gently and sat up rubbing her eyes. "Why did my vision became so blurry?" She kept rubbing them. "Don't rub your eyes that much." Y/n jumped out of fear. She saw Hyunjin leaning against the windowpane, looking directly at her. "You startled me!" She kept her hand on her chest. She looked around as realization hit her.

"I should probably go now. I didn't tell Chan and Mrs Bahng. They must be worried. Thank you for everything, Mr Hwang." She threw the blanket away and tried getting up but failed and stumbled a little. Hyunjin quickly walked to her and made her sit down again on the bed. "What are you doing? You aren't healed properly. Take leave for a few days."

"It's fine. I'm stronger than ordinary people. I heal quickly." Hyunjin scoffed. "Are you a robot?" She said nothing. Nothing irritated him more than the fact that he was seeing Y/n in such a condition. "Do you know how dangerous it was yesterday?" He suddenly raised his voice making her flinch.

"If you don't care about yourself, you should consider me-" He calmed his voice and coughed."Con.....consider others. Don't let others worry about you." He blinked a few times before looking away. Y/n bit her lip trying to not show her smile. "Why are you scolding me?"

He cleared his throat. "Anyway, you should stay here and rest. You can't go anywhere. I'll tell Chan Hyung that you are here." He took the blanket and covered her. "Who are you to decide where I should stay?" She said bored.

"Your boyfriend." He said starring into her eyes. She didn't argue further knowing he made a point. "Fine. I'll stay but where is Jeongin?" He frowned. "Are you serious? You are hurt and you are still worried about him?"

"You take him just as a friend right?" He asked making her go into her thoughts for a while. "Although, he is handsome, like a little prince in a fairy tale. He often helps me too. He is also a guy that every girl likes-" She was about to finish the sentence when Hyunjin yelled.

"Enough! I'm going to work. You run your own course." He said in one breath and went out of the room. "He didn't even let me finish. Although he is good enough, I will never go beyond friendship."


"Is this all left?" She was going crazy to find the box. "Yes ma'am." The worker said. She ran her hand through her hair. "Thank you for letting me in." She bowed to him and left the place. The worker was about to close the door when he was interrupted again. "Hello. I contacted you on phone before. I wanted to check the security tape of this room."

"Haven't I told you? Besides police and staff, no one can check the tape." He replied. "Uh... I left something inside." The staff sighed. "Each of you guys said that you have left something inside. It's all burned." He raised his brow. "You guys? Was there a girl by any chance looking for something?" The worker nodded.


"Mr Han, tell Allen that this case of sapphire is only open to the internal investigation. And no report to the police." Han was sitting on the opposite side of the sofa. "Why? Are you afraid that it will cause trouble to Y/n?" He teased him, without a smile. "It has nothing to do with her. This case is only known by you, me, Allen and other core members." Hyunjin explained.


"How is this different?" He kept looking at the stone in his hands. The car's door opened making him quickly put the stone inside his pocket. She sat inside. "Haven't I said there is no need to meet when there are no special circumstances?"

"The circumstances are special enough. I want you to help me." She smirked. "Don't you remember your identity, Mr Allen?" He rolled his eyes. "I know that you have helped me to get in The Hwang Cooperations but for your benefit. I've found out about Hyunjin's memory bank and his amnesia. I've been telling all his actions to you all these years. I'm your ally, not your subordinate."

"Ok. what do you want, Ally?" She nagged. "Mr Hwang's employee, surnamed Bahng, should be the one who stole the sapphires. The security tape in the research department had somehow blocked the recording of her stealing the sapphire. It glitched at some point. This video can't prove that she stole it but she is a suspect. After taking it, she went straight into the gallery. The staff isn't willing to give me the security tape. But you are the curator of the exhibition. You can get the tape"

"Are you sure it's with her?" He nodded. "Fine. You don't have to worry about it." She opened the door. "Thank you, Jiho."

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