78. Gaslighting

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Han placed the glass filled with water, and his medicine on his table. "Are you seriously resigning?" His voice expressed his sadness. Hyunjin looked at him. "Do you think I'll give up this easily?" Han froze his gaze at Hyunjin for a few seconds and then said, "What?!"


"Everyone knows about it now. Is he fine?" She looked at his office from a further distance. Suddenly the door opened as he came out. "Oh shit." She ran towards the elevator and pressed the button. As she was waiting, she felt his presence beside her. She decided not to look at him. Hyunjin also didn't say anything.

The lift opened. She stepped in and so did he. The door closed only to come up with an uncomfortable silence. Y/n stood as far as she could. He walked up to her. "W-What?" He was emotionless. No expression was shown on his face. It's like he never learned to show emotions.

He reduced the gap between them. They were standing face to face now. She didn't move. He went close to her and kept his head on her left shoulder and eventually closed his eyes. He felt like he found comfort.

"Be here with me. Just for a while." His voice was as low as a whisper. "Hyunjin, are you ok?" He took his time to respond. "Everyone else... asked about the company first. You are the first one to ask how I am." Hyunjin lifted his arms and wrapped them around her. She stayed silent and let him do whatever he wants.

The lift stopped at the forty-fourth floor, as the door opened. He still didn't leave her. The door closed again as Y/n made her hands towards him, hugging him back. Hyunjin tightened the hug, bringing her closer. They stayed in the position for a while.

The door opened again on the forty-sixth floor. Y/n pulled back. "I-I need to go." She said and stepped out of the elevator.

As soon as the lift closed she ran towards the terrace. "Ugh! What happened to not seeing each other anymore!" She closed her eyes and sat down on the wooden chair behind her.

She had been there for a while. She was alone until heard some fidgeting on the stones which were purposely spread over the ground for decor. She looked up as her eyes met Jeongin. Jeongin could figure out from her expression what she wanted to ask. "It was so depressing down there. I came here for some fresh air." She nodded.

He came up and sat on the chair beside her. They stayed in awkward silence for a few seconds before he decided to speak up. "It's out." She sighed and nodded. "If I found out who did it, I will break his neck and then throw him or her from here." She pointed at the edge of the terrace.

Jeongin smiled a little. "Good idea. I will help you with that but, let's drop that idea for a while and think about Hyunjin. The most important thing right now is to help him." She turned her head to him. "Do you know how will the company deal with him?"

"I'm just a so-called Director. They won't let me be involved in this kind of thing. But, I will try my best to help my brother." Y/n smiled at him, which he didn't notice. She kept her eyes at her knees. "But isn't it strange? Why would anyone even expose him? What will they get from this?" And the realization hit him.


"Mom! Mom!" He came shouting through the stairs and stormed into her room. "Stop yelling in the house. Your dad will wake up." She said as he frowned. "What happened to him?" She shook her head. "Nothing serious. He is just resting." Jeongin glared at her. "Do you have anything to do with the news?" She looked at him seriously. "What do you mean?"

"You promised me...." He said in disappointment. "If he will resign dad will make me the CEO, right? This is what you want!?" She stood up and closed the door. "What are you talking about? I didn't do anything." He scoffed. "Please stop with this acting. You framed him didn't you?" She shook her head rapidly.

"Jeongin I'm not acting! I haven't done anything. I am not interested in his business anymore." Something in her voice told that she was telling the truth. "I'm believing you this time but if I found out that it was you, I will forget that you are my mom."


"Mr. Han, send me all the programs and files that need to be done recently." Han nodded and replied positively. "Also, make me an appointment with abroad members." He said and handed him a black file. "I want to persuade them to be on my side for a week." Han opened the file. "Clever enough."


"Another day of seeing so many reporters." She rolled her eyes. A man ran across her with the speed of a flash. "Dr. Kim- Why is he in such a hurry?" Seungmin ran into his office and saw him sitting on his sofa pressing his hand against his chest. "What's wrong?" He asked panting. Hyunjin pointed at his desk. "My medicine." He somehow managed to speak. He nodded quickly and went to his table. "Why is no one around?"

"I've been busy these days. Han has got things to do that's why I called you." He stammered but still completed. Seungmin came to him with a glass of water. He gulped down the medicine through his throat. Seungmin sat down on the sofa opposite him. "Your heart is aching again?"

"Perhaps the cuts are still hurting. It should be ok in a couple of days." Seungmin stood up. "You don't even go for your regular examination. Get up, I'll drive you to the hospital." Hyunjin shook his head. "I only have one week. I can't waste my time. Collect the files for me. I'll examine them at home." Seungmin understood his situation and knowing his stubbornness he started collecting the files.


He peeked into the parking. "It's clear." He said and held onto Hyunjin's waist with one hand to support him and the other held the box of files. As soon as they entered the parking lot, the paparazzi came out of nowhere. The noises became very loud. "Mr. Hwang, how did you get the amnesia?" The flashes if the cameras made him uncomfortable. "No photos."

Seungmin tried defending Hyunjin. Hyunjin's vision got a little blurred. He closed his eyes as he lost his balance. He fell to his knees. Seungmin gasped. "Hyunj-" Hyunjin was breathing heavily but suddenly everything went silent. He looked up. All of the reporters, cameramen, and Seungmin were frozen like a photo. He got up slowly, too shocked to react to anything.

A noise echoed through the lot. Y/n came running towards him. "Are you waiting for the sky to fall or what? Let's go." She grabbed his hand and ran away with him. Once they were out of the company, she released everything. They kept running until they reached the roadside. "What was that?" He asked.

"W-What was what?" He pointed to his left where they had just come from. "Everything was...stopped?" Y/n looked at him. "Y-You are sick, aren't you? That must be an illusion." He nodded. "You're right." She waved her hand. "Taxi! Let's go. They will still follow you."

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