67. Living for others

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Tied of trying, she again gathered her hands together. "It's ok if I can't go back. I'm not willing to go back. Just please, let me save him once. Just once." She panted and gulped down her saliva to her dry throat. "Come on.." She inhaled all the power around her. "Time to throw..." She pulled back her hands and then went towards his head at a speed. Her fingers were on each side of his head but, with a little space kept in between his head and her fingers. Once she felt the energy consumed by him, she yelled. "Ah!"

She pulled back. Her vision was starting to get blurred. She tried to support herself with the chair beside her but, her balance was not enough. She fell down and so did the chair. A loud noise came across the room. The door opened as Jeongin came in running. He bent down to her level and held her arms. "What happened to you?" She shook her head. "Nothing." He decided not to question further and helped her get up. "You should go back now." He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, as usual, and helped her walk.

She looked at Hyunjin in hope. "Wake up. Wake up. Hyunjin." Her voice came out as a whisper.


His breathing level got above eighty.

* Wake up. *

* I'm not willing to go back.*

* I like you *

His eyes got opened fully. He stayed there for a while, taking his time to steady his breath. A few minutes passed. He slightly looked to his right, finding a very awful face, drooling on his arm. He raised his hand with the strength left in him. "Jeongin.." He placed his hand on his shoulder and shook him. He slowly opened his eyes groaning. Rubbing them, he witnessed that Hyunjin was now awake. He stood up immediately. "Bro! You're awake! How do you feel? Anything uncomfortable?"

Hearing the loud noises, Seungmin, who was sleeping on the sofa, while sitting, woke up. Hyunjin took his oxygen mask out. Seungmin quickly ran over to his bed. "Finally, you're awake. I'll call the doctor." He said and left his room. "Let me call dad and tell him this." He was smiling brightly. "Wait." Hyunjin's voice was still low. "Where's she?" Jeongin looked at his brother confused. "Who?" Hyunjin sat up with Jeongin's help. "Y/n. Where's Y/n. I remember I was with her before I passed out. What happened after that?"

"You're badly wounded. Mom, Dad, Jiho, and I, all came. We all waited till the doctor sent you back, and your mind is filled with Y/n at the moment." He sat down on a chair which he was sleeping on. He gulped and spoke. "You...still like her, don't you?" Hyunjin stayed silent.


Jeongin was roaming in the hospital corridor. He was walking absent-minded, as all his memories with her were gathered in his mind. His phone suddenly started ringing. For the first time, he was not happy when she called. He knew what she wanted to ask. He picked up. "How's he?" The first thing that came out of her mouth. He said nothing. "It couldn't be.. did something wrong happen to him?"

"He..... He is alright now." He heard her sigh in relief. "Do you want to visit?" She sat down on her couch. "I don't think so. He is fine now, I don't want to bother him anymore." He knew it was not the right time, but he still proceeded. "Y/n, I don't know if I should tell you this but...Hyunjin.." He closed his fist tightly. "He-"

"It's over. All my relationship with him and everything here is over now. So, I won't be staying here anymore." Jeongin remained frozen behind the phone. "I gotta go now."


The doctor placed the stethoscope where his heart was located. After roaming it here and there he pulled back. "What's wrong?" Mr. Hwang asked. The doctor looked at him. "Mr. Hwang is fine now. But, he seems to have recovered too fast. Do you feel anything wrong?" He looked over to Hyunjin. "Not yet." He replied.

"But...I heard someone call my name when I was in coma. Did someone come here last night?" His sudden question made everyone look at each other. "Jeongin was here. Maybe he was sincere and called out your name?" Mrs. Hwang replied. The doctor shook his head. "Madam, your words are not so reasonable. Mental power is indeed needed when someone is in danger."

He again looked at Hyunjin. "Mr. Hwang must be holding someone in his heart. That might be the reason he woke up. It shows that you have a very good relationship with your younger brother, right?" Hyunjin wasn't satisfied with the answer but still looked at the doctor with a small smile and nodded. "Well, we shall be going now. Have a good rest." He smiled and walked away with a nurse following.

"I need to talk something with Hyunjin." Mr. Hwang's face held a serious expression. "I see." She nodded and stepped out of the room. The middle-aged man sat on the chair on the left side of his bed. "I'm sorry, dad. I got you worried." Mr. Hwang could see the guilt in his eyes. "It's not your fault. It's mine. I shouldn't have spoiled you in the first place. For all these years, considering your mother passed away early, I was always turning a blind eye to whatever trouble you made out there. But, this time-"

"Dad, I passed out. Others are not involved." He said cutting him off. "I didn't mention her. Why do you have so much urge to defend her?" Hyunjin looked down at his hands. "And there's a fragment in your heart. I can't tell when it will...What I'm trying to say is, while you're still young, you should consider having a wife." He scoffed. "Dad, come straight to the point."

"Before this happened to you, I have talked with Jiho. Given her personality and conditions, she is the best one to be our daughter-in-law. And in daily life, she can take good care of you." He bit his lips. "So?" The young man said in a mean tone. "What on earth do you want to say?"

"Your dad is aged now. I can't afford to cover your troubles again and again. In other words, engage to Jiho as soon as you get discharged from the hospital." Hyunjin looked away. Mr. Hwang stood up from his seat and walked to the door. "I've already died once before."

Hyunjin's words made Mr. Hwang's steps pause for a while. "Do you know what I was thinking when I was in coma?... Not the Hwang family nor my career. But myself. For so many years, I have been living for others. I never seriously thought about what I really wanted. But this time..... I know what I want." His voice kept cracking in between. It was hard to say but his heart relaxed. He finally said it.

"What do you want to say?" He sighed. "I want to say that I don't wanna live for others." He let his frustration out, making each and every word clear. He gulped and gazed down. "Please go back and have a rest. I want to be alone." He said in a low voice. Mr Hwang didn't say anything and left him alone.

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