83. Psychopath

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No one was there except those two. She was lying down on the floor helpless.


"Good morning, Mr. Allen. Here are the reports you wanted." She kept them on the table and uninterested in his reply she turned to take her leave.

"Wait, Ms. Y/n." She turned lazily only to see him coming towards her. "Can you believe that a person, can just..... vanish?" Y/n's expression immediately changed as she gulped and smiled awkwardly.

"What? Of course not." He nodded and smirked. "But I do." He looked at a screen that was in the center of the lab. The video started. As the seconds in the video passed by her eyes widened in size. "Uh- There must be a problem with the c-camera. "

"The cameras are perfectly fine, Ms. Bang. Or is it even your real name? Now tell me. Who are you?" He said glaring at her and started moving towards her. She kept her hands behind her and tried to use her powers.

*Oh no. I forgot that this room is filled with magnetic powers. There's only one option left.*

She tried to escape but Allen studied her action way before. He grabbed her bare hand. "Leave me!" She tried jerking her hand away but failed and the system went off.

End of flashback

"Just tell me already who are you? Actually, what are you? You are not a human. A robot? A supernatural creature?" He grabbed her aggressively by her chin. The coldness made her unable to speak. Her lips were frozen like frost. "Either you tell me or..."

He stood up picked up a small knife and bent down to her level again. Grabbing her finger forcefully, he started cutting. "Tell-" He couldn't complete his sentence as a sudden punch flew across his face.

"How dare you touch my woman!" He yelled on top of his lungs.

Allen touched the corner of his lips. His hand was stained with blood. Hyunjin went towards him once again but stopped when he felt something grabbing his leg just above his shoe. He turned around. She shook her head. "Don't."

Hyunjin saw the color of her lips. They were blue. Her grip suddenly loosened on him as he watched her faint. He looked towards Allen. "I gave you a second chance since- I'll never forgive you." He said as he bent down to Y/n and carried her in bridal style walking fast out of the lab.


He finally sat on the couch at his mansion and repeated the exhausting day in his mind. "Allen has been taken by the police. His brain got injured when you fought him so the doctors are currently trying to save him." Han spoke hesitantly trying not to make his day worse. Hyunjin nodded in satisfaction.

Han lowed his gaze and started speaking slowly. "Our press conference.... was over. Because you didn't show up on time, the board announced to the press that, you have already resigned." Hyunjin stood up from his seat and roamed around without saying anything. "Do you regret it?"

"Regret? The only thing I regret is that we designed something the world has never seen and never will."


He kept staring at her sleeping figure. "You're such a sleeper. You scared me. If something would've happened to you, I would have gone crazy." Saying the word 'crazy' made him remember past events.

"And, Hyunjin is crazy too." He decided to let it out even tho no one was listening.

"I remember when I was 14, Allen used to be a psycho. He was obsessed with knives and all sharp kinds of stuff. One day, I went to the company after school. I knew there was some lab in the company and I was curious. I broke into the lab and started wandering around and while goofing, I accidentally broke a very important test tube. Allen saw that and grew mad. He was so insane, that he grabbed a big knife to hurt me. I was too scared to do anything but then suddenly, when the knife was just near my face, a hand grabbed the knife. And yeah, It was Hyunjin. The blood was flowing off his hand so badly. I still remember I was so guilty whenever I saw the big scar on his hands."

He smiled feeling a weird sensation in his heart. "You guys are fools. You are........ born for each other." He bent to her face. "But you fool, have a good taste. I mean I was the first one you liked." He smiled by himself. Hyunjin entered the room.

"How's she?" He asked. Jeongin turned his head. "Her temperature is back to normal. She'll wake up soon I guess." He stood up from the bed. "I'll go get some lunch." Hyunjin nodded and went to the bed and sat down beside her replacing Jeongin's place. He glanced at them with sadness in his eyes. After a few seconds, he looked away and walked out of the room.

Hyunjin moved the string of hair away from her face and tugged it behind her ear. Y/n started moving her head abnormally. "Y/n, wake up." He shook her. Her eyes flew open. She breathed heavily. "Hyunjin..." She said softly. Seeing that familiar smile she hugged him tightly as Hyunjin hugged back.

They remained in the same position for a few seconds before pulling away. "Are you ok? Did he touch you?" She suddenly remembered as she looked at her fingers. Nothing. It was healed itself. She looked at him and shook her head. "Are you sure?"

"Just my face-" Hyunjin picked her up from the bed and went to the bathroom. He made her sit on the shelf beside the sink. "Wash your face right now." He squeezed the foam on both sides of her cheeks. She chuckled. "What?" He asked cluelessly. She shook her head still smiling.

A sudden undescribed feeling came across him while watching her smile. He stared deeply into her eyes. His hand was on either side of her, as his face came closer to her. She felt her heart was about to beat out of her chest and she closed her eyes and take a deep breath out. His cold lips rested upon her feathery hot ones. His lips brushed her, softly, delicately, like butterfly wings, just long enough that he could inhale her breath, and feel the warmth of her skin.

It wasn't long but it was enough. He pulled out and looked at her. She started laughing making him confused. "Look in the mirror." He looked up and saw the soap foam on his cheeks. He looked down at her again smiling.

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