30. Sapphire?

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He stopped his car took out his phone, dialling her number. A noise came from behind. He turned around to see a phone laying there. "She is the clumsiest girl I have ever seen in my entire life." He shook his head and turned the wheels.

She heard the knock on her door. "Who is it?" Her voice was weak. "It's me. Open the door." She got up quickly and opened the door. "Why are you here?" He stepped in without asking. "You left this." He handed her the phone. "I didn't even notice it's not with me." He looked around her room.

"Why did you leave the window open? You have a cold don't you?" He got inside further and closed the window behind the couch. "Cold?" She questioned. "I saw you covering your nose in the office. Isn't it cold?" He asked as she didn't know what to reply. "Um.. y-yeah. I caught a cold."

* How do I tell him it was because of fucking hormones*

"I brought you some medicines. Eat them and rest well." He handed her the bag. "Thank you Mr Hwang but you don't have to. And did you drop Ms Jiho? What did you guys talk about?" He smiled at her. "You are my girlfriend. Why are you asking about other women?"

"Because we aren't real. But you guys, you guys are real!" Hyunjin saw a glass of water. "Take care of yourself first, think about me later." He took out a tablet and handed it over to her. She gulped it down with the help of water. "Now that you will be okay, I should leave." He turned the doorknob.

"Wait." He turned around with a questionable face. "Can you... not treat me well? " He frowned. "What? Why?" She looked away. "It's just that..... I'm afraid. I will get used to it- Just don't treat me nicely."

He didn't understand her but replied, "Don't worry. It will not happen in the future." He said and got out of the room. The door closed but opened again in a second. "Also, don't open doors for other men except me." He said and left. She raised her eyebrows. "But- he just said he will not treat me well!"

"Think about that later. Bitch, you just ate a human medicine." Y/n's eyes went wide at Somi's statement. She ran to the bathroom and tried vomiting out the medicine. "This man will kill you someday."


"We approached Mr Cha in the planning department. He has started to sign the collaboration contract. As well as Mr Lee from sunshine investment. He probably wants to meet you in person." Han was explaining the documents in Hyunjin's hands but his eyes were on the employees.

He saw Y/n enter the floor. He noticed that whenever a male employee came near her or passes beside her, she closed her nose and distinct herself from them. She reached her seat and sprayed a little perfume around her. Hyunjin laughed out silently. "I hope now I will not be affected by the hormones." She said to herself.

"Program department wants your concern to release the new-" Han stopped when he noticed that Hyunjin was not listening to him. He was biting his lower lip controlling his smile. "Mr Hwang, what's making you smile?" He stopped smiling. "Did I smile?" Han chuckled. "I think so." Hyunjin cleared his throat and closed the document which was in his hands. "This is still not clear. Double-check it. And leave all the documents of the research department to Y/n."

Han came to her table. "Y/n, take this to the research department." She took the file in her hands. "Take it seriously. Mr Hwang is watching." He turned his head around to see Hyunjin looking at both of them. She quickly got up from her seat and went to the department.

She stopped her steps outside the door. Looking here and there to make sure no one was watching and opened the file. It was a monthly report of the department. She kept flipping the pages until she reached the end. "There is nothing about the annunciator."

"Are you stupid? What human will call it an annunciator? They have no idea what it is based on their technology." Somi spoke up. "Keep looking for something similar." Y/n nodded and read the first page. She kept on finding it and at the 2nd last line she read out. "This is something not on earth. If it can be manufactured, it can be sapphires. Sapphires! Yes, this is it." She entered the lab. "Anyone here?" She called out. No one replied.

She went in further and spread two of her fingers. A sound came. She looked in the direction where the sound was coming from. A blue thing was shining through a small black box. But before she could take it, a voice passed through her ears."Who are you? How did you get here?" She saw a man probably in his thirties walking towards her. He had a lab coat on and he was wearing a pair of specs.

"I'm an employee. Mr Hwang told me to send this here." She kept the file on the nearest marble shelf. He didn't believe her at first but after seeing the file he nodded and passed through her. "Uh...Mr Hwang also wants to know about the program. About the sapphires." He nodded. "This way."


Hyunjin opened the door and went to Han's office. "Mr Hwang, are you leaving for the exhibition?" Han asked making Hyunjin smile a little. "Yes. It's about to start. Did you let Y/n know?" Han shook his head. "I don't know where she is. But maybe the trio knows about it. They spent a lot of time with her." Hyunjin narrowed his eyes and quickly went to their cabin.

Two of them stood up immediately while the third one took his time. "Good afternoon, Mr Hwang," Felix said. He nodded a little. "Have you seen Y/n?" He came straight to the point. "We don't know sir," Changbin replied. Minho opened his mouth. "She told me she was going to the research department," he replied with his hands in his pants pocket. Hyunjin glared at him and left the cabin.

"Dude, stop being rude to your boss." Changbin punched him lightly on his chest. He smirked. "Who cares?"


"This is top secret in our firm. So we put the documents separately. Please wait a moment." He went to a locker and entered the password. Y/n took the chance and roamed her fingers around the black box. A little sound came from it. She widened her eyes with excitement. The blue light was also blinking. She was on the verge to cry now. She finally found it. Now she can go home.

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