33. Night talks

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"Y/n? Y/n?" His voice echoed in the whole house. Walked around to see where she was, his feet took him to the kitchen to check if she was there, but still no sign of her. He came out into the living room. "You're back." Hyunjin jumped out and saw Y/n was walking out of the kitchen. Hyunjin took a second.

"How did you-" She waved her hand to a 'no'. "I don't wanna talk right now." He noticed the sad and upset face of her. She threw herself on the sofa. "I'm done. Maybe I have to stay here forever." He frowned. "What do you mean? You have to stay at my house all the time?"

She shook her head and sighed getting up. "You won't understand. What should I do?" She covered her face with her hands in frustration. "Can I stay here a little longer?" He took a few seconds before responding. "Don't forget we are not a real couple. If you live here a little longer....it's a little inappropriate." He said looking away.

She smirked. "Take it easy. Even if I want to do something to you now, I don't have the energy." His eyes popped out as he looked at her in shock. "Now I'll be resting for a while. I'm feeling like my bones are cracked."

She moved to her left to go to her room. "Now that you've said that, I'll reluctantly let you live here." He gave a paper bag to her. "Eat your lunch." He said and went outside to his pool area.

"Mr Han, send all my documents to my house. Y/n is seriously sick. So I won't come to the company today." After talking for a while, he entered back into the house. Hyunjin came to the kitchen for having a glass of water. He spotted Y/n sitting on the dining table. She wrapped herself in a thin blanket. He came up to her. "What are you doing?"

Couldn't stop adoring her. She looked so small and cute. "I'm hungry." She said in a baby voice. "Didn't you eat what I brought for you?" She nodded. "I did. You won't understand. As long as there is something wrong with my mind, my digestive system will strengthen. So no matter how much I eat, I will be hungry. Give me food."

She pouted a little. Ignoring all the lines, Hyunjin paid attention to the last one. "I'll order some food for you." She started thumping her feet on the floor. "I can't wait! I want food!"

"Am I babysitting her or what?" He mumbled. "Wait a minute. I'll make something for you." He opened his coat and threw it on the chair. "I'll be making something that can be cooked quickly. So just eat it." He rolled up his sleeves. Y/n just sat there watching his every move.

He first took out an egg from the fridge. Then he greased a pan with some oil. Y/n never knew he can even cook something himself. Even if it's just an egg. She always thought he only knows how to order others to his work.

He placed the plate in front of her. She quickly grabbed the fork and dug into the food. Watching her eat, Hyunjin could tell she was starving from hunger. He smiled. "How can you make such a handsome and perfect man cook for you. Do you feel gratified?"


It was nighttime. Y/n took a warm and nice shower and came out of her room to the living room. Wearing only a long white button-up shirt, drying her hair from a small towel. Hyunjin had been working on his laptop since morning. Y/n sat on the couch beside. He glanced at her and the first thing that caught his eyes was her legs. He coughed. "What's wrong with your clothes?" She looked at herself from toe to head.

"I didn't bring mine with me so I thought why not yours." She got up from her seat. He gulped at the sight. Her smooth legs were straight and slender. The pen slipped out of his hands. He cleared his throat. "I have mysophobia. So don't fiddle with my clothes. Change it right now." He lied. She rolled her eyes. "Fine." She lifted her hands to unbutton the shirt. "What are you doing!?"

"You said change it right now so I was." She answered innocently. He facepalmed. "How can you change your clothes in front of me? Change it in your room." He closed his laptop and collected his things and stood up from the couch. "In future, please don't walk around like this in front of me."

"Why?" He looked down to her height and smiled a little. "Because your image has influenced me." He bit his lower lip and walked away from her sight. "Image?"

An hour since he's working continuously in his study. He took a heavy breath and held his head. "This is so frustrating." He heard footsteps coming towards him but he didn't bother. She patted his shoulder, gaining his attention. She held two cans of beer. "Do you think I'm the type to drink with others?" He said.

They both sat near the pool on the wicker lounger. He brought a duvet and placed it over her. "You know, I guess the fire really affected me. I am getting weird thoughts lately." He sat in a comfortable position. "What thoughts?" She looked at the stars in the starry night. It was so calm and pleasant.

"I'm imagining, after many, many years you... I mean we, earthlings will make the science technology very advance and one day everyone can fly in the universe freely." He chuckled lightly.

"Do you know, I'm really useless. I don't have any value on my planet but, when I landed on some other planet, suddenly, I'm an alien with superpowers. And unexpectedly, I fall in love with that planet." She smiled at the memories she had of being here. "Delicious food, beautiful sites and especially people here, are very nice to me. They make me feel warm, they help me and save me."

"So, you don't wanna go back?" He asked smiling at her imagination. "I don't know. At first, I thought I wanted to stay here. But now, I can never go back. But, even if I did, I would be so frightened." Hyunjin turned his head to her. "What are you afraid of?" She looked down. "On a planet that doesn't belong to me, I will always be a different type."

"Who told you they are the same type? Even if they are born on the same planet, same city, even the same family, they are different. Some people may look fine and smart but they leave nothing untried behind back and do something that they may feel shameful of. Some people may look happy but are not.....And some people seem to own everything," He smiled. "But can't seize anything. Or maybe remember anything."

He sat upon the lounger. "Even if you are a special one, you are one of many different types. Everyone is living in loneliness and fear. So all you have to do is think about yourself as a slightly different person. You are unique. Right?"

She didn't notice when her headache faded away. All the things she has been through didn't leave her mind making her disturbed for days. But after a few minutes of talking to Hyunjin, it felt like those things never happened.

"Yes. A slightly different person." She nodded smiling. "Cheers?" He held his can in his hand and banged it with hers. "The stars are so beautiful." He got up from his lounger and sat beside her on her lounger. They both spent their night under the sky filled with stars.


Note: mysophobia - extreme or irrational fear of dirt or contamination.

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