70. You've caused this!

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She looked down. "I-I didn't mean it. It was an accident. I didn't know you would end up in the hospital-" He didn't let her complete. "I want you to take the responsibility." He stated. "For what? And if it's about money, I can't. I have nothing left." He crossed his arms on his chest. "Then pay it... with yourself."

She looked at him in disbelief. "Myself?" He stepped forward. "Stay away." She stepped back. "Do you know I've been waiting for you so desperately? Yesterday, when I was in a coma, I was dreaming that!..." He calmed his voice. "You said you liked me." She looked away. "I don't. That was just a dream."

The world was blurred for him. The only thing he could see now was her. Only her. "Then why dare not to look at me?" She gulped. Her brain stopped working. She turned around to leave but was pulled back. His hands were on each side of her arms. He started at her deeply. "Look at me." The closeness made her hands shake. "Look at me and say that you were faking it from the beginning. Say that you never liked me."

She gazed down and collected herself. Again looking up at him she said with confidence.





She made sure that each word that left her mouth was clear. "And I've been faking it from the beginning. I approached you on purpose just for taking something of mine. But now, the only thing I wanted from you is destroyed. I hate you, Hyunjin." She breathed out. "Is it enough?"

"What if I say, I like you. Knowing that you were taking advantage of me, I still like you, Y/n." She stayed quiet for a few seconds before jerking his hands off her. "Stop, Hyunjin. You hated me all this time!" They both stared at each other without saying anything.

Y/n decided to speak up. But it was interrupted way before she could open her mouth. Hyunjin grabbed the back of her neck gently with his right hand and pulled her close, letting their lips smash against each other. She didn't kiss back. Her mind didn't work at the moment.

His car was stopped just behind her taxi, but a little further. He extinguished the scene.

Y/n came back to her senses and pushed him away. "What are you doing!?" She lightly punched him on the right side of his chest. "Ah.." He bent down holding his heart area. She became concerned. "H-Hyunjin, what happened? Did I hurt you?" He supported himself on the car. Seungmin, who had considered the whole conversation from the beginning, got out of the car. He ran over to them. "I-I didn't mean it." She panicked.

Seungmin took out his phone. "The hospital is quite far from here. I'll call the doctors and let them wait at your house." Hyunjin kept groaning and kept a hand on his phone. Seungmin looked at him. Hyunjin bit his lips trying to control him from smiling and side-eyed to his left side.

Seungmin looked to the left and saw a worried Y/n. Once the signal was transferred to him he started again. Seungmin kept the phone back and looked at her seriously. "Hyunjin ran out of the hospital all because of you. And after you've done this, his wound will get worse. Don't you think you should accompany him to send him back?" She looked at Hyunjin. "O-Okay. Let's take him."

His vision blurred due to the tears that filled in his eyes. He turned the wheels around and drove away.

She accompanied him to his bed and made him sit down. "How's it? Still severe?" She gently touched his chest. "Still aching a bit. It will be fine after I rest for a while." She was sitting on the floor by the support of her knees. "What should I do? How about going back to the hospital?" He shook his head. "No. Nobody would look after me if I return." He lowered his voice to make it sound real. "Also, I've got a lot of work at the company. I need to hurry."

She knitted the skin between her eyebrows. "What are you saying? You can't go back like this." She kept looking at his wounded place. He smiled at her, without her notice. He took the opportunity and said, "You made me like this." He made her feel more guilty.

"I'm sorry, Hyunjin. I'll stay here to take care of you if you don't mind." His job was done by just saying a small sentence. "I'm thirsty. Can you give me some water?" She nodded quickly. "I'll fetch it for you right now." She said and stood up walking out of the room. After he heard the door closing, he smiled widely and threw himself backwards on the bed.

She went to the kitchen and poured some water into a glass. The doorbell ringed. She stopped her work and went to the door. Opening it a glare was shotted at her. "Why are you here?" She asked. "I-" Before Y/n could answer, she walked passed her, entering his house. Y/n rolled her eyes and closed the door.

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