79. Distractions

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She opened the door. "It's a little small but you should stay here for a while. Your place must be surrounded by paparazzi." He walked further into her room looking at the surroundings. "I don't mind living here." She handed her coat behind her door.

"Who says you are living here? You staying here just for an hour or two." He sat down on her very comfortable-looking sofa. "My cut on my heart has not recovered yet. If you send me back right now, something will happen to me again." Throughout the whole thing, Hyunjin's hand didn't leave his chest. A little hint of pain was still there.

"Where is your family? This is so serious. Don't they care? I don't understand you human beings." She exploded. "Are you an alien?" She looked at him in shock. "Huh?" He leaned back. "You say "you human beings" all the time. Aren't you one of us?"

Till now a small smile appeared on his face. Y/n felt relieved. "Oh...I" She went to a chair further from him and sat on it. "I'm just a very special human." She smiled childishly. Hyunjin looked to his left to face her. Now he smiled widely.

"You are special? Then what about me? Everyone treats me as a patient now. Not just a normal patient, but a psycho one. Who do you think is more special, me or you?"

"I didn't know that. You just seem cold-blooded but you care about what others think of you. You lost your memory, so you don't remember what happened when I stayed at your place, right?" He looked at her with interest. "You stayed at my place?"

She nodded. Now he became more interested and excited. "Some time ago, we together, watched the stars from your mansion. You told me that even if an alien comes to the earth, she doesn't need to think of herself as a freak. Because on earth, everyone is a freak. Everyone is alone at a time. Everybody feels lonely. So, an alien is just a little more special than others. And you, you have amnesia. But won't people forget about it? People forget what they ate last night and the next day they forget what life are they living." She said stating the facts.

"People forget things. The things you forgot are just a little bit more than others and it is totally normal, isn't it? "

Hyunjin didn't notice since when he smiled this wide. "I didn't know you had such brilliant thoughts." Y/n stood up. "Yeah me too. Whatever. Are you hungry? I'll go make something. I consumed all of my energy today." Hyunjin kept smiling at her disappearing figure.

Half an hour passed. Y/n opened the door with a plate in her hands filled with delicious food. "Dinner is ready." She looked over to the sofa and bit her lip. She placed the plate on the table. Again shifted her eyes to his sleeping figure.

"He must be exhausted." She went to her closet and took out a thin blanket. She covered him up properly and carefully opened his shoes.

"All done." She said and bent down at the level of his face. She kept staring at him until it was interrupted by someone. "Stop looking at him, Y/n." She looked up at Hyunjin's arm which was covered in a blanket.

"Why are you on top of him? Get down you turtle." Somi scoffed. "First you stop staring at his body, you lustful girl." She rolled her eyes. "Yes, I am lustful. So what?" Hyunjin moved his body a little making Somi fall back and a small amount of Hyunjin's weight was put onto her. "I'm pressured! Help me, Y/n." Y/n chuckled a little then smirked. "You deserved it."


"Open the door." Hyunjin woke up from the noise. It didn't take him long to notice that there were continuous knocks on the door. The first thing he did was look at her bed and saw her sleeping peacefully.

He stood up from the sofa and rubbing his eyes he opened the door. "How long did it take you to open the freaking door." Hyunjin ignored his comment. "You brought the files." Seungmin nodded. "Yeah, including some clothes and medicines." Hyunjin took the box of files and the bag from him and kept them inside. "You can go now."

"What? Can't you even invite me in for a drink?" Hyunjin looked at the bed. "I would but Y/n is still..." Seungmin peeped through the door. "Y/n! Wait this is her room?" Seungmin gasped. "Bro you had sex with her!?" Seungmin said loudly. Hyunjin pushed Seungmin out and stepped out himself closing the door behind him. "Stop going to the conclusion."

"So you did not?" Seungmin asked. "Yet-I mean- Forget it. Update about the reporters?" Seungmin dug up his hands into his coat pockets. "They are still waiting outside your mansion, the company, your parent's house, and at the Hotel owned by your father too." Hyunjin sighed frustrated by all the thoughts.

"Seungmin, book me a hotel nearby. I will work outside." Seungmin smiled widely. "I have got all the files you need here. Why work outside when you can just work here? And you got Y/n's company. How nice! Don't be a chump. As your bro, I helped you as much as possible but now I can't help you anymore. See ya!" He waved at him and went downstairs. "Ugh!" Hyunjin groaned in frustration.

He brought up the files to the table. Y/n woke up and walked up to him. "What are you doing?" She asked in a sleepy voice. "I have to work." He explained how he have to work at her place. "Why? Are you trying to depend on me?" She glared at him a little. Hyunjin poked his inner cheek and started to open his coat.

"What the-" He kept his coat on the chair nearby. He started loosening his tie. "I'm changing my clothes. You are still looking?" She widened her eyes. "Pervert!" She said and ran out of the room. Hyunjin chuckled at her behavior.

It was already afternoon. Y/n came in with a whole lot of piles in her hands. "Mr. Han brought you this." Hyunjin didn't look up from his laptop screen. "Put them here." She looked at the breakfast she brought for him a few hours ago. She sat down beside him. "Why didn't you eat?"

"Not in a mood." He simply replied. Y/n looked at the food with disappointment. There was silence for a few seconds when Hyunjin made a weird face.

"Can't you just go somewhere? So that I won't see you?" Y/n looked at him in disbelief. "Why? This is my house." Hyunjin finally looked up at her. Something weird in his eyes.

"Because I get distracted whenever I see you." She forced a smile at him. "I hate you."

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