47. A normal mind

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"What are you saying Hyunjin?" He panicked and opened the curtains. He saw water droplets on the glass window. "It rained last night." She sat up and nodded. "You don't remember? You took me to bed last night because-" His eyes grew wide. "What did we do!?" Y/n got up from the bed. "Hyunjin, why are you acting so weird?" Hyunjin saw his coat on a chair as he picked it up. "Listen, whoever you are, if you get pregnant it will not be my fault. I'll pay you but this shouldn't go out." He said and walked out of the room.

He called Han. "Hello, Han I-I lost my memory again. I slept with a strange woman." Y/n came out of the hotel and saw a familiar car. "Jeongin?" He was asleep in the car. She shook him a little. Waking up he saw her. "Y/n!" He got out of the car. "I followed Hyunjin's car last night. After you both got into the hotel, I was about to go in too but I forgot my wallet. So I decided to wait in the car but I guess I fell asleep."

He scratched the back of his neck. "I'm sorry Y/n. I shouldn't have kissed you yesterday." She shook her head. "It's ok. there is no need for you to apologize. I'm fine now." She smiled. He smiled but then something hit him. "Uh... Well, I know I shouldn't ask this but, did something happen last night, between you and Hyunjin?"

"Jeongin, you know he won't take the advantage. But... This morning when he woke up, he looked at me in the eyes of a stranger. How can a person become so different overnight?" Jeongin looked away. "Well...You know, sometimes, " He looked at her in the eyes. "Sometimes we are friends, but one will treat the other....." He went into his own thoughts.

"Treat the other what?" Jeongin shook his head getting the weird thought out of his mind. "I think I lacked sleep. I should go back and sleep. I need some time alone." With that, he drove away. "Wow! What a great start of the day! Now how will I drive back?"

He sat in the car. "Should we pick up Jeongin and Y/n too?" Han asked. "Pick who?" Han turned around to face him. "Hwang Jeongin and Bahng Y/n." Hyunjin bit his lips. "Jeongin, I know. But who is Bahng Y/n?" Han faced him and shouted. "You forgot her! How can you!? She is such a sweetheart! Wait a minute- is she the 'strange woman' you said you slept with?" Suddenly there was a knock at the window. Han looked in the direction and seated calmly. He opened the window. "Can I go with you?" Han smiled. "Of cours-"

"No." They both looked at him. Han sighed. "Get in the car, Y/n." He turned to Hyunjin. "Mr Hwang, it's not the time to tell you in detail so I'll make it short." He started whispering. "She is Bahng Y/n and she is your girlfriend. She is extremely important to you." Hyunjin touched his lips and looked outside the window. "Do as you like."

She sat down beside him. She didn't speak anything and just looked outside the window.

* Should I just tell him that he has my annunciator in his heart? What the heck am I thinking! Will I just go to him and say. ' Hey dude, you have my signal in your heart that will take me back home. Please place a heart surgery for yourself and take it out then give it to me. Then I can go back home yay!' Ok, I think I'm going crazy. *

She sighed and looked at him. She didn't notice how long she has been staring at him being in her own thoughts. Hyunjin didn't want to point it out first but that was his limit. "Can you stop staring?" Y/n blinked a few times and looked down. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." It was too irritating for him. He was a short-tempered person as he remembered. "You are not my girlfriend anymore!"

He shouted making both of them shocked. Han pressed the break. "Hwang Hyunjin, don't make early decisions that you'll regret!" He shouted making Hyunjin shocked. She just sat there confused, not understanding a thing they were saying. "Mr Han, didn't you and Dr Kim also, advise me to stay away from women, that's what I'm doing." He said in a cold tone, glaring at her. "Get out of the car."

Before anyone could give any reactions. Han spoke in a calm tone trying to normalise the situation "Mr Hwang, we are in the middle of our destination. There is hardly any chance of having transport here-"

"I don't fucking care." He looked at her and spoke in a dominating tone. "You deaf?" Y/n scoffed and opened the door, getting out of the car, slamming the door shut. "I don't need a car to go anywhere." She mumbled as she saw the car drove away.


"Look carefully at this photo Hyunjin, are you sure you don't remember anything about her?" Seungmin asked showing him a photo. Han stood behind Seungmin examining everything. Hyunjin looked at it for a few seconds before shaking his head. Han sighed. "It can't be like this." He mumbled.

"She is just an ex-girlfriend. You have never tried so much for me to remember any girl." Seungmin shook his head and decided to handle the situation calmly. "As you don't remember anything, listen to me carefully. Last time when it rained, she was the only woman you didn't forget. And according to this, you shouldn't have forgotten her this time."

"How about I invite Y/n here?" Han asked. "No. I don't care what she meant to me before. I don't want her now. Even if you force me, I will never catch feelings for her. It will waste mine, as well as her time also." He took a sip of water. "I know that it's difficult for you to adjust yourself after you lose your memory. But only she can help you. You can't just give up on curing your illness because of your mood."

Seungmin exploded at the last sentence. Everyone was quiet for a few seconds. Seungmin was running something into his mind. "What are you thinking?" Han asked.

"It's so strange. Is it because.....It's just an assumption." He looked up to him. "I just think that you have a strong feeling of her naturally. Before you lost memory, you liked her a lot. But after you lost memory, you only have hatred towards her. From the perspective of psychology, it is called the subconsciousness of self-protection. You are afraid of falling in love with her, so you forgot her on purpose." Hyunjin stared at him for a few seconds before speaking. "Dr Kim Seungmin, are you kidding me right now?"

"I said it's just an assumption. You are not a normal person at first, so I can't interpret you with a normal mind."


What if Hyunjin will never remember y/n😀 I mean I'm writing it so you never know....

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