75. Tennis Training

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"And why are we on a tennis court?" Jeongin questioned. "Actually, my client likes to play tennis. But I don't know how to play. Will you teach me until he arrives?" She forced a smile. "You don't have to attend such a client." Hyunjin complained. "I'll teach you." Hyunjin turned around to see his younger brother filled with confidence.

"My brother just recovered. I don't think it's suitable for him to play." Jeongin said eyeing Hyunjin as Hyunjin rolled his eyes. "My wound is not a problem. I'll do it." He said rotating a ball in his fingers which he just picked from a table beside him. "Then, why don't you try teaching me together?"

The boys started stretching their bodies, with a racket in their hands. They were waiting for her in their sporty outfits. "You know how to play?" Hyunjin smirked while asking. "Enough to beat you." Hyunjin let out his sarcastic chuckle. Soon after, Y/n walked into the court with her changed clothes and her hair tied in a ponytail. "Let's start?"

Both of them went to the other side of the net as Y/n remained where she was. Jeongin bounced the ball twice on the ground. "Ready?" He shouted to let her know he was starting. She showed a thumbs up and folded her arms, waiting for the ball to come to her.

Jeongin threw the ball in the air and within seconds, he swung his arm and hit the ball with force. The ball flew towards her. She looked at the ball deeply and soon scanned it. "The ball is coming at an angle of..." She mumbled and smirked. She opened her folded arms and took a grip on her racket. The ball was close to her as she swung his hand making a perfect hit.

Hyunjin widened his eyes in shock as his jaw dropped on the floor. He tried to pick it up but he failed. She hit the ball without moving an inch from her place. Hyunjin came out of his thoughts when he heard a groan. Jeongin was on the floor in front of him, holding his wrist. He saw his racket lying on the ground beside him and the ball further near the net.

"Why didn't you hit?" Jeongin yelled a little still groaning in pain. "This wasn't how I expected it to be." She said to herself. "Jeongin, are you ok? Did I make a mistake?" She raised her voice a little so that her voice could reach them. Jeongin stood up immediately, shaking his arm. "I'm ok. Let's resume." He shouted back. Hyunjin sighed and held another ball in his hands. They resumed their game.

It was fifteen minutes since they started. The game had fastened its pace. They were going back and forth in rhythm. Jeongin and Hyunjin kept fighting about who will hit the ball coming towards them. "Let me." Jeongin shouted to Hyunjin and hit the ball. Y/n just found herself trying hard to control her laugh.

She hit the ball with ease again. "Go away." Hyunjin blocked Jeongin's way and hit the ball. Their smiles didn't leave their faces. Though Hyunjin noticed something troubling him, as if he was uneasy, but still ignored it. Y/n let out a giggle. She noticed the ball coming to the left side. She ran over to her left and hit the ball too hard, going to their center. Both of them went in the direction in speed to hit the ball, but instead, they ended up bumping into each other, making both of them fall. Y/n laughed out loud. They looked at each other then Y/n and soon her laugh was followed by theirs.


"I can't, I can't. I quit." Jeongin came up to a chair panting and sat down. His shirt was covered in sweat and his hair had become wet as if he had just come out of the shower. Hyunjin also came up breathing heavily and sat down on the chair beside Jeongin. Y/n came running to them. She saw their bodies covered in sweat. "You can't be serious. It's only been two hours. Come on, get up."

Jeongin gulped his saliva down his dry throat and started, "Y/n, you must be a professional. Are you fooling us around?" Jeongin completed while still trying to steady his breath. Y/n shook her head innocently. "No. It's my first time to be here. I swear. How about changing the sport? How about basketball? Or soccer, high jump? Pick one." She jumped on her heels a little. "When will the client arrive?" Hyunjin asked.

Y/n lifted her arm and read her wristwatch. "Probably.. in three hours." She said the last words looking at them. Jeongin took out his phone from his pocket and kept it near his ear. "Hello, Mr. Lee? Sorry, I gotta answer this." He said and stood up from the chair going a little further from them. Hyunjin smiled and shook his head then bit his lip trying not to laugh. Y/n got a sign that they will soon get off them.

Hyunjin looked up at Y/n. "You want to get rid of us so bad?" Hyunjin asked simply. "When you know already then why are you following me?" She said coldly. "Now I will go. Bye." She turned and took a few steps away from him. "Y/n-" He got up but then suddenly held his chest and sat back. Y/n turned around.

"What happened?" She walked to him and bent down at his level. She looked at his chest worriedly. "Why did you play!? You are so stubborn. You need to go back." He shook his head as he still pressed his hand on his chest. "I can't." He looked at her in her eyes. "I can't concede you to him."

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