20. A Fairy

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Hyunjin woke up with a heavy headache. He sat on the bed and seated for a while. Catching a glimpse of his clothes, his eyes widened. How were they changed? He got up and looked around the room. The sound of someone showering was coming in the bathroom. He went to the door and gulped. "Are you alright?" He turned his back from the door.

"Last night.....Nothing happened between us, right?" The door opened. "Mr Hwang." Hyunjin turned around rapidly when he heard a manly voice. "What did you say?"

"Han, why are you here?" Pink flushed his cheeks from embarrassment. "You vomited on yourself last night so, Y/n called me and asked to help you clean." He nodded and rubbed his face with his hands. "Where is Y/n?"

"She went back in the morning. And yes, Mr Hwang I have good news." Hyunjin stretched his body and went downstairs. "Say it." Han followed him. "Mr Filner's flight got missed and now he changed his schedule. He booked the ticket of two days later." Hyunjin grinned a little. "Now, it all depends on Jeongin." Han patted Hyunjin's shoulder. "He'll do great. Don't worry too much."


Jeongin brought Y/n to a beautiful park. It was already the season of cherry blossom. Falling like snow with the flow of the winds. "Why are you admiring the park so much? It looks like you have seen cherry blossom for the first time." He chuckled at the childish side of her. "Yes, I have seen it for the first time- I mean um....you know they are so beautiful. Every time you see it, you can't get enough of it."

"Agreed. By the way, you know why we are here right?" She nodded and made him sit down on the chair. "Start painting. Remember, I'll always believe in you."

"You believe in me? It will be better to believe my brother. Unless he quietly encouraged me, I couldn't keep on this." The sad sight of him made her heartache. "Your brother is just your brother. You are you. You two can't be compared." He got up from the chair.

"All of my days, there is nothing I want to do. Painting is just my hobby. I just casually said to him, I want to have an exhibition. I even forgot about it. But I never thought he would take it seriously. I am just good for nothing." They began to roam in between the pleasing trees.

"Everyone is good for nothing. Just like someone wants to care for you, to help you, to appreciate you. You'll do the same things to them. At this time, even a good for nothing can give out his light. I mean look at you. You're also the most handsome good for nothing on this planet." He laughed out.

"You are good at comforting people." She smiled watching him smile again. Jeongin kept on staring at her face without saying anything. She felt a little weird so she turned her face away. He took her chin in his fingers and made her look at him. After a few seconds, he excitedly jumped. "I know! I know Y/n. I know what I'm going to draw. Thank you so much." He ran back to his chair started his painting.


"Han, why are we here?" Han smirked a little and looked at the lady sitting beside Hyunjin. "Well sir, it satisfies all your requirements." Chan was cleaning a table when his eyes fell on the car. "Mom, Isn't that Mr Hwang's car?" She lead her eyes in the direction Chan was pointing at. She exploded with happiness.

"It's definitely his car! Y/n! Y/n, come down." After a few seconds, Y/n came down yawning. "What happened Mrs Bahng?" Mrs Bahng scanned her from head to toe. "Why do you always dress so weird." Chan rolled his eyes. "Mom, She is good the way she is."

"So, do you want me to dress like a fairy?" She said sarcastically. The restaurant's door opened. "A fairy," Y/n said while her jaw dropped. Mrs Bahng smile dropped when she saw a girl with Hyunjin. Y/n came forward and greeted both of them. "Welcome to our restaurant. I will prepare a couple seat for both of you." She smiled. Hyunjin shook his head. "No, you're getting it wro-"

"Sure! We would love that." Jiho said making Hyunjin roll his eyes.

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