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the 100th chapter on this book (including the separate posts) welcome back y'all:)

curiously questioning... what?

     DORCAS MEADOWES WAS SITTING on her bed, playing with the ends of Marlene's hair as the girl laid on her lap, complaining about her classes. And Lily, who was the first to wake up, was properly dressed in nice attire, planning to spend her day with Pandora — who Petunia hadn't got the chance to meet yet.

The blonde Evans was still under her covers, muffling her yawn as she didn't get much sleep that night. Her mind was still replaying the vision in her head, letting the questions, almost abruptly, leave her mouth.

"Can you guys turn into animals?"

Marlene's ranting stopped.

and she sat up.

Her hair ruffled in all directions, her tired eyes being glossy as she stared back at her friend — she almost cocked her head at the question.

"Do you mean like an animagus?"

Petunia furrowed her brows at that.

"Animal Gus?"

dorcas let out a snort.

"An animagus," she enunciated the word, "is someone who can turn into an animal," she lightly described, dropping the ends of Marlene's hair, "You have to be registered to become one though. It's a whole process."

petunia went quiet.

And with much thought, almost shyly, the blonde lowly asked, "Do you know anyone who is an animagus?"

The three nodded in unison.

Petunia almost let out a sigh of relief.

"Good! because-" she started, hearing their confirmation, only to be stopped by Lily, who was now applying mascara, saying, "McGonagall."

the blonde went quiet again.

       And as she sat up herself, letting the blonde strands fall into her line of the sight, Petunia weakly blew at the lingering hairs, asking, "What is she?"

"A cat."

Petunia's eyes widened.

And as if it was the obvious next question, she tilted her head, asking, "Does she use a litter box?"

Dorcas was wheezing at this point.

Lily dropped her hairbrush.

"Now tell me why," her sister abruptly said, "Did Sirius ask me that exact same question when he found out," she almost laughed, stopping when she made eye contact with her sister.

P.EVANS + J.POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now