chapter twenty seven

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Smiles appeared on some Slytherins faces, the feeling of them wining the war felt like a reward for them, even if they weren't the ones doing the killing, the sixteen year olds felt like they were accomplishing something while attending school with blood traitors and muggle borns around them.

Yes, Tom riddle is technically a half-blood, but the elders respect him more than they ever gave two shits about Albus Dumbledore in their living. Albus Dumbledore never cared about the kids in green and bronze, never have, never will. Why? Because he sees their parents or ancestors more than the child itself, so why talk to someone who is the exact replica in their bloodline?

None of the professors tried to ever hear their story, always pinning them to make them the bad guy no matter what. Even if a Gryffindor was bullying them, somehow the professors always made the Slytherins pay for what they deserve.

Some of the Slytherins were acting rather delusion than before, even trying to go after their own as they know they'll be the next death eaters sooner than later, practicing on the weak. Hoping their lord will pay attention to them.

Here Nora and Regulus Black were, sitting in detention because they helped out a Hufflepuff from being bullied by Barty as he made fun of his quidditch skills. Nora defended the child as she swore in front of him and regulus almost tried to fight his own best friend because of the way he called Nora a bitch.

Twirling her wand as Slughorn looked at the two with pity, he couldn't let them go for another Twenty minutes, letting Nora study for her O.W.Ls that were in less than a week as Regulus read a book that his professor gave him.

"Professor this is stupid, you know we were protecting that stupid child." Nora flinched from her brother being so harsh, hearing him apologize for acting irrational.

Quickly nodding her hear and hoping Slughorn agrees with the two Black children, he gets off his seat and begins to sigh. "As much as I would like to give both of you 50 points, Regulus, you almost punched your friend." Nora tried to forget about it, seeing her brother threaten his friend so hard he almost punched him out of spite.

"Would you believe me if I said it was out or self defence?"

"I would, except my memory would say otherwise."

Snorting a little and seeing Slughorn giggle a little, he finally caved, deciding to let them go and giving them twenty points just for cooperating with him. Nora knew he would cave, she and Regulus were always his favourite no natter what, it didn't matter, because she knew Slughorn would always have their backs.

"You alright?" Nora asked her brother, both lazily walking and strolling the corridors. Regulus had this sad looking face, putting his head down as his hands were in his pockets, trying to avoid eye contact.

"I just saw something in Barty that I never saw before, fear mixed with anger in those eyes." He explained, shaking his head. Nora knew exactly what be was talking about, seeing the same in Betty as she keeps asking Nott things and have received letters from her grandparents.

"Im sure he's just worried worried about his situation, everyone is lashing out these days." Nora said smoothly, patting his shoulder as the two were startled by someone yelling.

"FOR THE LAST TIME! I DO NOT WANT YOUR APOLOGY!" Nora walked a little faster to see Red head Evans all flustered and annoyed as she notices James holding a bouquet of lilies, trying to give them to her.

Nora felt her heart beat faster as she saw the smile in James' eyes soon turn sad and have no emotion as Evans yells at him and walks the other way. Nora stared at the way James just stood there and accept defeat.

IN RUINS- James PotterWhere stories live. Discover now