chapter fifty nine

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The last two nights seemed to be blur for her; relaxing her face in a bowl full of ice, sitting with Remus as he eats chocolate. Nora wasn't used to the feeling of being the spotlight, the Slytherins throwing a party back to back, still happy with their victory.

Nora was just glad it was all over. Her head could not stop pounding, her face practically being stiff from the smiling, thinking ice would help her. Remus on the other hand will be dealing with something more important tomorrow night, keeping each other company in the kitchens after dinner.

"I think I numbed my cheeks." Nora said, looking at Remus for him to see. The boy offered Nora chocolate before he looked, noticing her cheeks very rosy. "Yeah that's enough icing now." Remus told her, taking the bowl away from her.

"Is it today or tomorrow?" Nora asked, hinting towards the full moon. "Tomorrow, I already know I won't be sleeping tonight." He answered, standing up to the fridge to have a glass of lemonade.

Nora received a glass from him, thanking the lad as she took a sip, looking at him. "Do they still do that animal thing?" Nora asked, referring to their animagus forms.

"How'd you know that?" Remus asked, a little confused. "Before you chucked me, I saw a deer, assuming that's Potter— prongs, Padfoot for Sirius and Wormtail for Pettigrew. It's quite easy to catch on... moony." Nora teased, winking at him. 

Remus put his glass down, not realizing how easy it was for someone to figure it out, he was just glad it was Nora. "You; may or may be right." He mumbled, Nora chuckling a laugh.

"Ow, my face still bloody hurts." Nora stopped her laughter, touching her face. "Your face seriously hurts from smiling that much?" Remus asked, sounding a little stunned.

"Well yeah, I don't smile much, name a time you've seen a smile." Nora said taking a sip of her lemonade. "When you're around James." Remus slyly said, causing Nora to spit out her drink onto the table, choking a little.

"Potter— him?! No. Come on." Nora coughed, wiping her mouth and trying to find napkins for the mess she just made. Remus stood there, continuing to drink his lemonade as Nora wiped the table, looking up at the lad.

"Oh come on Nora, you two made it obvious. I knew the minute James wrote your initials down on his work than paying attention in ancient runes. He's done that a couple of times." Remus came back to sit beside Nora, patting her on the shoulder.

"I was the first one to know right?" Nora looked away from him, taking a sip of her lemonade and hearing Remus sigh loudly. "Who knew before me?"

"Regulus." Nora scrunched nose as Remus shook his head, taking a sip of his lemonade. "How did he find out?" He asked, Nora smiled at the lad, shrugging.

"Its regulus. He sees and knows all." Nora said, patting Remus on the shoulder for comfort. "Well then, can you really get mad that James told me?" Nora shook her head, knowing she really told regulus without fully telling him, letting him figure it out piece by piece.

"I guess not when you put it that way." Turning and seeing the door creak open, the house elves were now back, taking that cue to leave before getting insulted.

"Ah Miss.Nora! Dobby thinks you are splendid at quidditch!" The elf spoke, his eyes widening. It's been a while since she saw the malfoys elf, kneeling down to give him a fist bump, Dobby going all shy for a moment. "Give Lucy and cissy my best yeah?"

Dobby nodded at the girl, wobbling over to all the other elves to begin washing the many dishes. Nora stood back up and walked out with Remus, confused on who they were talking about. "Whose Lucy?"

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