chapter sixty five

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They see right through her, her voice cracked under pressure, her face gives away her emotions almost immediately, she isn't the girl she used to be, and something in her hated that, sitting on a bench with James in hogsmeade, trying to figure out when life took such a leap, for the worse.

She was cold, but numb enough to ignore that, wanting to leave but not having the courage to get up and leave, Nora didn't want to be here anymore, completely ignoring James by accident, forgetting he was still with her. Nora didn't understand why he didn't want to be with his friends, especially with the full moon coming tomorrow, you'd think you'd be with that one person.

Lupins life seemed to be worse for Nora, she may have hated her life and is filled with pain , but she will never go the pain of transforming into a werewolf every full moon and having no memory of the things you've done— except the scars that are left.

She watched the students walk around all happy and with their friends, while her best friend and brother sleep in and want nothing to do with hogsmeade, all of Slytherin not leaving their rooms now.

The death eaters were making things worse, because of Riddle, doing all the wrongs and ruining an image for the sons and daughters from Slytherin, scared to leave their common room because of the names they'll be referred to, she was scared, just like the rest of them. Yet nobody saw how they were hurting, knowing a family member was out there creating chaos and praising their dark lord.

It was getting worse, and the students at Hogwarts didn't know it, but Nora and the rest of Slytherin knew, especially those who were death eaters already.

Nora could've stayed with her brother and friends, but a part of her has already done the sadness and feeling frustrated in her room, needing a new location to show her sadness and ignoring the comments, one of the reasons James was sitting beside her. Bur she didn't care whether or not he was there, because it wasn't his battle, it was hers.

Her eyes followed one girl going into zonkos, wishing she was that little girl all by herself, still able to be a kid, but she wasn't. She was 18, waiting for time to go by.

James was silent the whole time, they were sitting on that bench for almost two hours now, in complete silence. Nora wondered if James was bored, if he wasn't he would've left already; but there he stayed, hoping she would say something.

Until he did.

Nora saw kids go back, James check his time on his watch and cleared his throat. She slowly looked away from the kids to turn to James and listen to what he wanted to say. "Do you want to stay here?" Was all he asked, noticing how hesitant he wanted to ask that, and it threw Nora off.

Her grey eyes were silver, her pain was hurting so much to have them look so dark and cold, the same way she was feeling. And she couldn't properly tell James why because she didn't know herself, but she liked the way he was still there for her, because he didn't like the fact of not comforting her.

"Oh, okay." Noras voice rasped, forgetting how she hadn't talked in over two hours, her legs asleep as she stood up, pretending it didn't feel well. Pretending was second nature to her.

They kept their distance, she knew he would do that, awkwardly walking away from one another. This time Nora was in front, her hands in her pockets and she kept walking by herself. Her head was down, wanting to be invisible like before, but it felt impossible these days.

"Hey, Nora!" Someone presence came beside her, the brunette could tell with it was Mary with the way Atticus describes her scent, recognizing the smells, raising her head. "Hi McDonald." Nora said, almost in a whisper.

"I was just wondering if Atticus is okay, you know with everything..." the curly haired girl trailed off, walking with Nora as she didn't stop. "He'll be fine, just one of those days." She faked her tone, it was everyday where he wasn't okay, but you couldn't tell someone like a Gryffindor that, the pain someone is feeling.

IN RUINS- James PotterWhere stories live. Discover now