chapter forty

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Regulus Black felt like he was invisible sometimes, his voice being muffled through the walls of his own family. His mother adored him whenever the twins were causing problems, giving her migraines and her voice being lost because of all the yelling.

To Orion and Walburga, Regulus was the golden child, always has, and always will. His beautiful grey eyes, his pale face with a tight jawline, hair being curly and straight at the same time, his treasure. All eyes were never on Regulus, they were always on the twins, even if they didn't want that.

It was safe to say regulus looked up to his older sister, the one who was able to pick up the pieces when times were tough. Nora and Regulus could take on the world if they wanted to, through thick and thin, Regulus saw Nora take the blame no matter the consequences; not afraid to show emotions.

Something Regulus couldn't do.

The raven haired boy was sometimes concerned why his sister was such a soft person— in a raging body, either getting one or the other. The truth was, he hated the fact Nora would still defend a boy who left her high and dry to have Gryffindor friend, someone who grew up without her. It boiled his blood more to know the twins weren't twins anymore; but two separate people.

He never liked changed, always having the same routine, being able to say goodnight to his sister and say good morning, reading at breakfast and awkward conversations that Evan would say. Today was different, he was woken up with hands shaking him, his body jerking awake, sitting up quickly as Atticus is standing above him, crying too much to speak.

Regulus furrowed his eyebrows, turning to Evan who patted the boy on the back, looking at his best friend. "It's Nora, something happened with her." Evan spoke softly, passing the boy his slippers to put on.

He furrowed his eyebrows, not understanding what Evan said, walking beside Atticus, his eyes filling up with tears, his jaw tightly clenched. "I— what do you mean something happened with her?" Regulus choked out, his morning voice making him all raspy.

Evan or Atticus didn't say anything, coming downstairs to see Professor Slughorn with a frown on his face, looking at Regulus alone. "Thank you lads, but I suggest Regulus should be alone. You two go get ready for the day." Slughorn sniffed, talking to Atticus.

Feeling a pat on the back, regulus didn't like this feeling, his mind almost feeling fuzzy, wondering what has happened to his sister— his only sibling. "What happened? Is she okay?" Regulus politely asked, almost asking a million questions.

"Son, I don't have any answers, your sister was told to tell a family member, and she chose you." Slughorn said, stammering a little bit. Regulus didn't know what that meant, wishing there wasn't so many stairs, running up some and finally making it to the hospital wing, letting Slughorn open the door.

Regulus had only visited the wing once, one time in third year he was knocked out by a buldger in quidditch, needing to take a week off, not being able to tell his parents. For the whole week, Nora was always there, making sure he was doing okay.

He hesitated to walk through the doors, clenching his jaw when he saw Nora laying on one of the beds, taking a sip of something and turning to look at regulus, her eyes opening bar closing every now and then. There were flowers beside her, noticing someone else on the bed next to her, sleeping soundly.

"Hi Reg." Nora whispered, trying to sit up, patting on her bed for him to come over. The wing was dark, darker than the dungeons, turning around to see Slughorn staying at the door. Regulus walked slowly, coming towards his sister and sitting on the edge of the bed.

Her eyes looked swollen, her face skinner, same luscious curls from a few hours ago. "Nora... what happened?"

Sirius Black has never felt more alone than ever, he never went back up to the dorm, nor did he think visiting Remus was a good option. Instead, he slept on the couch, a blanket and pillow was all he needed, using the dorm when nobody else was in it.

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