chapter thirty

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James Potter has never had a problem in life, everything was always on his side, nothing to worry about in the world. That was until he met this gorgeous red head girl in the first year on the way to Hogwarts, falling in love with someone who will never like him.

James took that anger from not being able to get Lily's attention into pranking and taking his mind off the fact he'll probably never be good enough for someone like Lily Evans, the smartest witch in their year. James always felt like he will never be able to experience love like his mother and father, always seeing some personality of his mother in Lily.

That was until James potter truly looked at the sister of his best friend, making his heart soar for a girl with a grumpy mood and never smiling automatically.

James Potter saw a girl drowning in heartache and in sorrow, using sarcasm to hide her pain sometimes, exactly the same way James does. It was quite weird how James took an interest in Nora so quickly, right after the fact he used to hate her no matter what.

It wasn't the hate that made James like her, it was the fact Nora was someone who actually let James talk about something that he wanted to say. It never occurred to James that he was falling in love with a girl, a girl who actually wanted to be with him.

And yet, there was lily.

Lily Evans was a girl who always rejected James, only because of how she simply didn't have time to be with anyone, wanting to put her studies first and everything else second. It also didn't help with the jokes that were exchanged between the two, making her cringe even more.

Nora Black was someone who wanted to live in the shadows and not be bothered by anyone too much, however it was impossible since her twin brother was a Gryffindor, but to James, he had a best friend. James wanted to get to Nora more after the proposition he put Nora in to fake date him, causing himself that there are actual feelings for someone who won't even discuss feelings.

Why was it easier to get to Nora than Lily? In less than a few months James has gotten to know Nora and even made her trust him when they went on a muggle bus, where was that connection with Lily?

Sitting outside on his porch as he watched his mum garden the plants, James sighed as he looked at Sirius slurping down the Lemonade the two made. James was happy to know Sirius was cleared, still seeing the faint scars and bruises on his face after all these weeks, not once turning back.

"I must say, this is very-sour." Sirius spoke up, having a sour look on his face as he swallowed the lemonade. James snorted, deciding to put his drink down on the table in between their chairs as Euphemia yelled at Fleamont to pass her better clippers.

James watched his lovely parents begin to yell at each other over garden supplies, having a smile on his face when Fleamont hugged Euphemia from behind and swayed back and forth. It always made him smile to see his parents still happy together no matter what, happy to know they aren't going anywhere.

"So what's on our agenda today, Prongs?" Sirius snapped James out of the trance of staring at his mother and father, turning back to his best friend. "I still suggest we should fix up your room." James exclaimed a little, sitting up in the pool chair, smiling.

James saw Sirius' face frown a little, shrugging his shoulders. "I don't know Prongs, I still have so many things to get from Grimmuald." Sirius scratched his head a little, getting out of the chair and going back inside, James only a few seconds behind.

"We can buy new things?" James suggested, grabbing his glass and putting them on the counter, watching Sirius open the freezer and grabbing the bin of mint chocolate ice cream, dramatically sighing.

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