chapter eighty eight

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James Potter wasn't stupid, at times he could be, but he always knew the bigger picture than most, noticing things others can't all the time. He also saw the way Nora was acting sometimes, only having a few details about her and the bigger picture.

He knew things changed when avery and Nott came, saying something to her that made her want to drink something that had butterbeer in it, quite worried. She said she would never drink because of how people act on it, and for a split second he was scared for her.

Pretending he didn't hear anything from his dad and headmaster, James had a million questions that kept popping up, but would also go unanswered until he was brave enough to confront her with those questions.

She could be a death eater by the end of winter break. That sentence kept repeating in his mind, everywhere he went, even when he saw Nora's face. She was off, but James would've never suspected Nora become something she can't clearly be. A death eater doesn't even fit the description of Nora, or so he thought when he saw the way Nora pushed Amber abott into the wall to make her shut up about being insane.

Sure she had some bumps, but nothing about it phased him, liking her no matter the problems that tries to get thrown at him, also ignoring the fact Lily somehow slipped back into his mind. If annoyed him, in a good place with Nora and yet to him, it seems like Lily finally likes him the moment he doesn't throw himself at her.

With Nora, she was someone who could be in the worse mood ever and will always have a smile on her face, someone who wouldn't let things define her. It wasn't very hard to like her, and yet it was more than liking, it was romantic, he wanted nothing but the best for her.

Sitting in the courtyard with Remus and Nora trying to figure out to how to make her shoe come back from being a butterfly, he could help but admire the girl, even if she was absolutely horrible at transfiguration at the moment, Remus having to help. "Honestly Lupin, you didn't even let me try." She teased into a whine, putting her flats back on.

"What— I did, but it was sad watching you struggle for that long." The boy defended, stammering a little. James smiled at the two bickering, liking how Nora was comfortable around his friends. He never got close enough to be around Atticus, but he was glad Nora was doing some participation in that aspect. It was also easier because of her brother.

"Struggle? I'm not the one barely passing muggle studies." Nora said, a snarky remark to James, Remus turning to look at his best friend. "What the hell? How did that happen?" Remus asked, shocked.

"I'm distracted in class, it's not very easy y'know." James teased, winking at Nora. Seeing the way she tried to it blush red, her ears were first to go pink. "Ha ha, she can't be the reason you're failing." Remus said, pointing a finger at Nora, soon mumbling about how much that swat of a hand hurt him.

"It is! And I'm not even in that class." Nora spoke, James shrugging his shoulders. "It's fine, I did better on my last exam." Nora and Remus both rolled their eyes in unison, james finding that a little creepy as Nora began to use lupins note for potions, writing them out for James.

"Did you ever figure out why Sirius was mad?" Nora asked the two boys, James furrowing his eyebrows. "He's not mad at you?"

"If I just asked you, then no." Nora said, sassing him a little. Smiling at her snarky remarks, it quickly went away when Remus sighed. "Yes, I'm the one he's mad at. It's nothing really but he's just being dramatic." He spoke, Nora agreeing.

"How come you didn't know?" Nora asked, laying on her stomach now as she wasn't comfortable bending over, feet kicking back and forth. James was distracted for a moment, looking at Nora and how she wasn't wearing tights underneath her her skirt, having a head rush as he looked back at Remus.

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