chapter one hundred and seven

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James stared at it long and hard, unsure of what to feel when waking up to that, a blank expression and a blank mind. His favourite red door was now white, frowning when he had to wake up to that, being in the moment with his mum and dad while they garden.

The big red door was how Nora knew she was at the right house, the door that Sirius thought he could run through in, how Lupin had a bloody hand from a paper cut and it matched the same as the paint. Peter even loved the door, and suddenly it was gone, the memories along with it.

"Whose idea was it to paint the door?" He asked his mum; getting up to stretch her back for a moment. "Doesn't it look good darling? Been wanting to paint it for years." Effie stayed, fixing her brown hair, wearing a hat to block from the sun.

"You know Nora and Sirius can't function when seeing something new in their daily routine." He reminded, knowing only ten minutes away were the Bulstrodes, Nora sometimes taking this route as she could stare past it. James would know by how many times he stares at his window; noticing her walk back and forth, some days with Regulus as well— never alone.

"Darling they'll be okay, Noras a big girl."

"And Sirius?"

"He'll.... he'll manage." Fleamont piped in, thinking about it for a moment, a little unsure now. James sighed; all three Potters getting up now to go inside.

As much as he loved being home with his parents, it felt lonely again, not being able to hear the screams of Sirius waking up in the morning, or Nora fighting Sirius when being outside, unaware of the time the two wrestled on the lawn and Nora won, sitting on top of her own brother.

James began to spiral about Nora, hating how busy she's gotten due to her mother, worried that she's wasn't safe in that home anymore. It was never his business from the start to know what's truly wrong with her, but he knew Nora was making breakfast, lunch and dinner now.

"Is Nora coming over today? I hope I didn't scare her in any way." Asked Fleamont, Effie taking off her hat. "Oh please, if anything she's avoiding us because of me." Euphemia spoke, James turning to his mother.

"What do you mean?" He asked, Fleamont clearing his throat so incredibly loud. Sighing bad looking at her son, James wondered what she was hiding, Fleamont not wanting to be apart of this.

"James, I love every person you bring into this house; truly and sincerely. I'm just.... Nora is a beautiful and amazing young lady and I wish she nothing but love, but I'm worried about her being at Grimmauld, now more than ever." Scoffing at his parents, James looked at his dad, mumbling something while eating a cookie, trying to avoid the situation.

"Honey, I love Nora, I really do, that day when I talked to her—"

"Wait what day?" Cutting off his mum with a question, James saw his mums eyes spark with concern, realizing she knew something about Nora he didn't know.

"She thinks if you die it's her fault." Fleamont said quite clearly, James eyes widening a little too wide for him to see straight, confused. "Monty!" Effie yelled, her hand slapping his chest to knock it off.

"But it's true!" James, she's clearly hesitant about the order, and she thinks if someone like Lily Evans were to pass, she'd blame herself. We've seen her family and whose she related to. You-know-who, can wipe out everyone, and she's friends with people who don't see eye to eye with him—"

"You think Nora would leave the order and be a death eater all because of her family and whose she related to? It's all a show, she's just as scared as the rest of us." Cutting his dad off this time, James was starting to get annoyed, looking at his father.

"You've never liked her, just because she grew up in the wrong family doesn't mean she can't be loved. She's nothing like the rest of them! Sirius grew up in the same house and is now living a flat, he got to do what he's always wanted to have, freedom. Why can't Nora?" He asked, Effie shaking her head.

"Honey we want you to be happy. But you're only 18! You don't know what's going to happen, you've only been dating for barley two years; what are your plans for the future sweetheart? Do you see a future with her?"

James always saw himself having a family; and living in godric hallows; the wife was always faceless, never truly seeing anyone he could spend the rest of his life with. But the name Nora Black was on his mind every day, every, hour, every second. All he could see if Nora hugging her son with James sitting there embracing it all. James Potter loves Nora Black, he always has, and he always will.


Realizing what he said, James blinked at his parents, backing off with questions as James walked away, his heart beating faster than playing quidditch. Walking out the front door and jumping over the gate, James knew it was stupid to go to her house; but he didn't care. His feelings were so hard for Nora Black he didn't know if she could handle how he was feeling for her.

Her beady grey eyes, beautiful long curls that always had a black or green bow, the way she wore red nail polish just for him, or the way he always knew she was in the room with him by the smell of her, loving it.

Before he could even open her door, James jumped at the way it slammed open,  Nora standing in the doorway, confused as to why he was here. "Surprised he knew where we live." Regulus commented, James noticing his hair was back to being curly again.

"What are you doing here? I was going to meet you at your home?" Nora asked, closing the door behind her, James seeing regulus walk up the stairs before the door fully closed.

"I, I had to say this one thing." He told her, Nora putting on her jacket. "I love you, more than you'll ever imagine." Watching her stop putting on her jacket, James got worried he said the wrong thing at the wrong time, his emotions taking over his body and not being able to react properly.


"I— I love you Nora, from the moment we first spoke, to now, it's always been you and I've been too damn blind to realize you are the person I've been missing in my life." He told her, looking at her. His eyes was her favourite feature, he knew almost immediately when she tended to get lost in them on purpose.

"You... you love me?" She asked, seeing her eyes begin to get teary, her jacket dropping to the ground. "Yeah I do, I love you alot actually." He repeated, trying to not make this hard for Nora, but he could tell she got whiplash from this.

"James, I—"

"It's okay if you don't say it right now, I know you love people a little bit differently and that's totally okay. I just felt like you needed to know." He told her, hoping she would say something.

James didn't know what to do, staring at Nora as she began to tear up a little. "Nobody had ever said they loved me before." Wiping her tear and realizing what was happening, James pulled Nora into his chest, letting her cry.

He was the first person to appreciate her presence and for all the wrongs and rights. No matter what, he always needed Nora in his life, holding her tightly. "I know." He whispered, rubbing her back as Nora held him back tightly.

"You don't deserve me." Nora choked out, James shushing her with that comment. "You are all I need in this world, don't you say things like that." Kissing her head as Nora let go of him, she looked at him, wanting to say it with so much passion.

"When you're ready, you can say it Nora." He told her, wanting her to be okay now, kissing her cheek. "Do you still love me after my breakdown?" She asked, trying to ease the tension— something sirius always did.

"Of course, that feeling is permanent, i don't think it'll ever go away." Smiling at the girl before her, James decided to stay with her, wanting to sit on the stairs, enjoying this moment they were have together. Resting her head on his shoulder, James wrapped his arm around her, bringing her in a bit closer.

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