chapter fifty six

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There were moments in life where it's out of your hands, for Nora, everything is out of her hands. Fate or coincidences were never on her side, always anticipating for the absolute worse because it was easier to do so.

She currently didn't know if the odds were in her favour, being dragged out to a quidditch practise to watch, in case Carrow wasn't feeling well enough. Nora had forgotten what happened to him, standing beside Theodore as he told the players to do six laps around the place, on their brooms.

"What's the point of that?" She asked, wearing a slytherin jumper to match him and Avery, being an assistant captain for the day. "Builds their speed, they all line up in a row and the back person flies to the front. They do it six times each."

"Bloody hell, and you want me to join the team? I get winded on the bloody stairs." Nora scoffed out, her brother soon raving to the front and yelling out something. Theodore laughed at Nora's comment, leaning forward a little.

Nora smirked when she saw Avery's reaction, simply shaking his head and mumbling something. "Merlin save me." Nora heard his mumble, satisfied with his response and watching the practise happen.

"There are key parts when going against every house. We try not to now, but in the earlier years we played dirty and only dirty. We have evolved since then. But every house thinks we still do, so we use that to our advantage, fake them out."

She was trying her hardest to understand what Avery was saying, almost feeling the need to sleep, boredom overtaking her. "Damon you're clearly losing the girl. Cant you just tell her when to be violent and not?" Theodore interrupted, leaning toward to look at his friend.

Standing in between the two of them, Nora never realized how they fight like an old couple, seeing this exact play somewhere, disengaging with their conversation. Up above Nora waved to Evan, Atticus and her brother, watching them come down from their six laps; doing it faster than Nora expected

"What was our time, captains?" Atticus asked, trying to get their attention once again. Nora grabbed the stop watch from Theodore, shocked with the time, her eyes widening. "Two minutes, holy shite no way I can do that." Nora gasped, knowing this was a bad idea to have her in as proper shoe in.

"Good? That's awful." Avery yelled out, giving Nora the clipboard to hold; Theodore letting Nora hold the stopwatch. Nora followed the lads so she could watch them yell at the team, circling them basically.

Nora made eye contact with her brother, both rolling their eyes at how pathetic the yelling was going to be, Avery acting as if he was a forty year old man yelling about stamina.

"If we are going to qualify against Ravenclaw, we must do well, no exceptions. January is almost over and soon we will be playing; do we want to suck?"


"What the fuck?" Nora mumbled, confused by this yelling method, frankly a little worried from how it was almost so close to her fathers, slightly having flashbacks.

Standing and watching the team go back into the air; Nora felt bad, watching the boys have smirks on their face, fist bumping each other. "Did they really do bad?"

"No, but we don't want to coach today." Avery choked 
up laughing, getting Theodore to chuckle a little. Nora shook her head at the lads, crossing her arms and all looking up at the team panting.

"You lads are evil." Nora softly spoke, slightly impressed with their thinking skills. Theodore shrugged his shoulders, yelling not so encouraging words to the team to hurry up, screwing with them.

"As they get their actual training. We're going to train you differently Nora." Avery softly spoke, grabbing the girls attention. "What does that mean?"

IN RUINS- James PotterWhere stories live. Discover now