chapter eighty one

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Birthdays. Nora hated hers to say the least, never having a good reason to celebrate the disappointment she brings to the family, not even being able to be a proper death eater without a task. She couldn't be a good daughter without fancying a Gryffindor, nor could she find a suitable husband even if she wanted to.

In other words, she was a waste of space for many people in her lives; but yet with her brothers? She was their whole world, being a missing puzzle piece they needed in order to complete their own lives. It may sound like a bad analogy, but Nora was the missing piece in their lives.

She didn't want to go downstairs, hoping people forgot about her birthday, wanting to be irrelevant today. It wasn't possible to catch a break, seeing three boys sitting on the couch; smiling like crazy.

Walking over to them and sitting down, they weren't big on surprises, however Nora was shocked by the amount of presents she was receiving, thinking it was a joke. "Very funny." She said, regulus furrowing his eyebrows together.

"Nora, we got birthday presents, go on open them." He told his sister, pushing one of them that was wrapped up with Christmas wrapping paper. She's gotten gifts in the past, a necklace or a bracelet, but something about this year felt different, scoffing a laugh.

Grabbing the one that was wrapped up, Nora was scared to open it a little bit, wondering if it was a prank on her own birthday. Narrowing her eyes and seeing a mahogany scented candle, taken back.

"Reggie!" Oh my god! This is amazing." Nora squealed, biting her lip. Regulus smiled brightly at his sister, happy to see an old side of her be here again, his heart beating a little faster.

"Okay! Now mine." Smiled Evan, his being in slytherin goodie bag, something not too big or small. Nora set aside the candle as she took parchment out from the top, taking out a pair of slippers that were shaped out to be snakes. "Evan! How did you know my old ones were getting wrecked?" Nora asked.

"I'm just that good." He said in a cocky tone, winking at her. Nora rolled her eyes, ruffling his head as there were three more gifts, Atticus sliding his over.

"Sorry we're late— you're already opening the presents?!" Jumping at the sound of two voices, Nora looked over to the fireplace to see Theo and Damon.... literally in the fireplace, wondering how they were able to do that.

"Oh don't worry, she didn't open yours yet." Evan spoke, waving them off. Nora was left speechless, waving at the boys in the fire, not wanting to know how that was even possible.

"Happy birthday love, you're one of us now." Smiled Theo, talking about their age. Nora chuckled as she grabbed Atticus' gift, surprised by the amount of effort they did for her.

Inside was a card, the only to have a card, looking at the boy before she read it, deciding to not read it aloud.

Happy beautiful birthday to a wonderful girl who I'm proud to call my best friend, my lifeline. You have always been there for me, through good and bad— fights that were never serious and many laughs over things that were too stupid to remember. You are an amazing, selfless human being. You hate birthdays but this year it should be celebrated of how much you've changed for yourself and the way you love everyone.

Have a good birthday.

Smiling at the card that was clearly bought at a muggle store, Nora smiled before she gasped, seeing another amazing bracelet be bought. It was a pattern of the stars and the moon, the main piece being engraved with the little N, looking at Atticus.

"This was way too much, you shouldn't have." She told him, wearing the bracelet. "Oh come on, we should be able to spoil yo! Last year you got me cigarettes and a new cologne. No girl has ever done that." Said Theo through the fire, the two boys taking turns looking.

IN RUINS- James PotterWhere stories live. Discover now