chapter one hundred and nineteen

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WARNING: I just wanna say it's a little explicit with the emotions Nora is feeling with her mission, and honestly i hate riddle for this doing to her ( as if i'm not the one writing this fix) but it's canon Marlene dies. I'm very sorry and i just wanted to give a warning because Marlene should've been around longer.

He began to take an interest in staring at people, wondering if people could tell he was a death eating in the great hall, barely touching his food with his friends around him, and yet he was interested in anyone else.

Could they tell? Was it obvious?

"Oi Reggie boy, I asked if you wanted my bread." Said Barty, nudging his best friend to look his way. "I'll take it." Lucy Greengrass said, regulus eyeing her as she took the garlic bread.

"Have we seen Evan yet? I'm beginning to worry." Pandora pointed out, the four of them looking around and shrugging their shoulders until they saw him running over, nearly falling.

"Guys guys guys! Terrible news!" He said, some of the other students looking over at him. "Inside voice Evan." Pandora gently reminded, Lucy and her shaking their heads.

"Why are you sweating?" Regulus asked, eating a grape and handing Barty a knife to cut his chicken. Evan panted as he looked around to make sure nobody was looking, especially at Slughorn eating his food.

"They know, about Nora and everything." He whispered, gesturing with his eyes as Barty choked on his food, Pandora nearly spitting out her water. Regulus furrowed his eyebrows; pointing down his knife as he looked at his best friend. "Define everything." He asked, the knife still in his hand.

"The dark lord told everyone about Potter, and now she had to do something bad—"

"Who told you this?" Barty asked, wondering when this even happened. "Theo sent a howler to me, it's bad you guys." Evan told them; regulus gripping his knife.

"Peter Pettigrew has joined too," Evan added, regulus staring deadly into his friend's eyes, connecting all the dots. Was his sister dead? "She's not.... right?" His hands were shaking, beginning to worry as Evan shook his head, his knuckles turning white.

"She's alive, but I think this is her breaking point Reggie. I mean Peter knows about her and her doings." Evan told them, regulus shaking his head. "She told Potter, she's a wreck. He dumped her."

"So she's single?"

"You absolute idiot. You're telling us crucial information and all you can think of is that?" Lucy snapped, hitting the back of his head as she continued to eat her spaghetti.

"Well no, but if Pettigrew is on our side, what's going to happen to Nora? I mean we've seen what happens when he doesn't need anyone anymore." Evan pointed out, rubbing his head.

Regulus felt his mouth get dry, stabbing the knife into the table as many looked over towards them, getting up in anger and leaving, his hands in fists. He didn't know what to do anymore, knowing he shouldn't have listened to her to going back to Hogwarts.

If he was home, he could've helped her.

Wanting to punch the walls, he went to the black lake like how she used to, staring at the cold water and hearing someone follow him, shaking his head. "If Nora dies, I don't think I could live with myself." He told Pandora, the girl resting her head on his shoulder.

"I know."

Her leg was shaking uncontrollably, in an awkward position, staring at her cousins and their husbands and brother, waiting for someone to speak as they all stared at her. The sun was long gone striking 10 o'clock, the curfew the prime minister had set, making everyone stay in their home until nine in the morning tomorrow.

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