chapter eighty three

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The Black lake was beautiful to see in the morning, sitting there with a blanket, needing to be one with the world, skipping two classes. It's been a week since her father past, and Nora was at peace with his death, not needing to dwell on on him anymore. Her mother decided to not do a funeral, cremating him go still have the ashes.

Nora let the cold breeze hit her cheeks as she heard a twig snap not too far from her, James joining in, the blanket hug enough for the two of them. "The black is pretty when it gets frozen over." He told her, Nora putting her head on his lap, needing warmth.

"Could you skate over it?" Nora asked, imagining the whike thing being covered. "Guess we're going to have to test that question when it gets colder." James told her, Nora turning to look up at him.

"Don't have the energy for potions?" James asked, moving a hair out of her face. "Slughorn hasn't been to class yet since my fathers passing. I talked to him once, Dumbledore said he needed a stress leave. He taught my father and mother too, can't imagine how he's outlived him."

Nora played with James' fingers, noticing her own nail polish and loving the new colour she got from hogsmeade, Evan picking out the colour for it to be red, smirking at her when he chose it.

"That's new, did you just do them?" He asked, liking the colour. "Needed to get rid of the black since Halloween is over. That was my favourite holiday because I always got to go as princess death, wearing a black dress wearing a crown." Nora slightly laughed at remembering her costume, covering her face.

"I actually remember you being one long ago, I always thought you just liked the colour black." James told her, Nora laughing a little more. "More like obsessed with death." She chuckled, her smile fading.

"Well; the red really stands out, perfect for Christmas." James told her, unaware of his house colours. "James you idiot! Evan picked this out because that's your house colour!" Hitting his chest lightly, James made the connection as he laughed for a second, wanting to kiss her.

"Evan rosier knows about us too?"

"Severus, Damon; Theo, betty, Atticus, Regulus, Lupin, and Pettigrew. I get most of it is from my side, but it's not my fault." Nora defended, when it most certainly was. James smiled at her as Nora saw the way he was looking at her, biting her lip for a moment.

"I wanted to ask you something." James said, Nora sitting up from his lap. "What's wrong? Seeing him try and say the words; Nora furrowed her eyebrows, wondering if he was going to puke or say something; not being able to tell the difference.

"The other day, with us snogging on the couch, if we didn't had to go to the party, do you think we would've—"

"Shagged? Oh 100%." Nora answered too quickly, James widening his eyes. "I wouldn't call it shagging, but merely having an intimate moment." James corrected, looking at her.

"You haven't .."

"Merlin no! Have you?"

"No.." Nora wasn't surprised that James said no, however it was surprising how he's never done it, quite an expert with snogging she can only imagine how good he is at sex; her brain going fuzzy.

"Im not pressuring you to have it, but we'll go slow if you want to." James suggested, Nora shaking her head. "No, no. I like where we are right now, sure we snogging but I like snogging you James, why stop that?" The brunette asked, happy they were having this conversation.

"Well good; because it's been very difficult to not kiss you sometimes." James blurted, Nora smirking at that.

Staring at lips before looking at James, Nora leaned in to tease the boy, covering the blanket from the Hogwarts window as James kissed her deeper, holding her throat almost to not move.Nora nearly bit James' lip, hearing him groan, smiling against his lips.

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