chapter ninety nine

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Order of the Phoenix. A special organization for special people. Nora was special in a way she didn't understand, but how did she be able to be around kids who were simply trying to live? She'll never understand. Her only duty was to gather information on the organization and report back to Tom, she still couldn't believe she was in, and the fact this is one step closer to be tom's right hand woman.

It was running through her veins of knowing she has to do a good job these days, itching everywhere with guilt. All she could think about was being a hypocrite, risking her life to be a spy all so her brother could be spared.

Walking to Dumbledores office and noticing the Gryffindors all arriving just before her, Nora smiled to the group, a little nervous to be near them, avoiding eye contact with anyone.

"Do we know what the meeting is about?" Nora asked her brother, the boy looking at her. "Maybe because of the attacks?" He asked sarcastically, Remus slapping him across the head for being so rude.

"Ignore him, he woke up on the right side of the bed today." Said James, death staring at his friend. Looking over at him, he also seemed to be annoyed today, shaking his head.

"I'm sorry sis, it's just so early." Sirius said, rubbing his head. "It's ten in the morning." Pettigrew stated.


Crossing her arms and hearing the door click open, Nora felt herself become suddenly overwhelmed when she saw mad eye moody again, holding in a yawn when James' parents were also here, not to mention Frank Longbottom who graduated last term.

"Good morning children, I'm assuming you've already met everyone here?" Dumbledore asked, referring to the ones beside him. Staring at the potters, James' face went a little red, looking at Nora.

"I've asked you all to come today because unfortunately, the war outside is getting out of control, I appreciate you all for returning back to Hogwarts. But with all of you graduating, I need to know how many of you can perfectly execute the spells that have been taught to you."

Raising her hand immediately, Nora felt a little too proud of this, slowly bringing it back down when not even Lily could properly perform it. Dumbledore had expectations that Nora could do it, nodding at her. "Who the hell is teaching her that?" She heard Sirius ask, leaning forward.

"Good question Mr.Black, perhaps your sister could share her answer." Said Dumbledore, practically having amazing ears to hear his faint whisper. With everyone looking at Nora, the girl didn't know how to say it, pressing her lips together.

"My uh, cousin Bellatrix sir. She said self defence is good to have in the family I'm in." Hoping that satisfied him, Nora saw out of the corner of her eye the way the potters flinched at hearing a Bellatrix's name, a mad woman, the ministry calls her.

"Did she teach you all the spells kid?" Moody grumbled out, looking at him. "Uh yes, my favourite is reducto." Nora said with a smile, immediately containing herself when she saw Euphemia be scared.

"Not that I've used it on anyone.... okay maybe once! But that was because of—"

"—It's alright Miss.Black, you don't need to start confessing." Cutting her off and hearing James sigh miserably at her, Nora bit her lip as she turned to look at Sirius, whom she used the spell on,  her brother waving it off.

Stepping back into the line with James, Dumbledore needed a moment to process what just happened; Nora grimacing a little and knowing she wasn't supposed to be speaking this much.

Would the dark lord appreciate it if Nora went on a rant on how  she spoke about the spells for ten minutes with Dumbledore? Probably not, which is why she needed another plan to be in the spotlight, turning to look at Remus beside her.

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