chapter sixty four

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People always came and go in her life; it was no secret that death will be coming to anyone around her, even if she never cared about them, their death will somehow affect those around them. Nora knew the risks of being a death eater, but it also meant keeping secrets of the truth of these killings against families in the wizarding world who have wizard or witch in their blood.

Never did she think to blame them, watching her friends become a death eater was something she pained to see, everyone she loves taking a risk in their life to survive one more day, or even one more hour.

There was no way to survive if you weren't a death eater in the dark side of the war, it was a unwritten rule, die or kill those people. She never thought she would have to choose, but  thanks to Bellatrix immediately joining after her seventh year, the whole Black family had trusted their dark lord into something great. A army ready for war against whoever.

Her heartbeat was beating so fast she didn't have time to think, sitting on the edge of a bed, her foot tapping as she watched the closed door. Nora had been waiting patiently for something, worrying her to the end when the door opened, Theo's face filled of worry, Lucius beside him.

"It's time Nora." He spoke, his voice monotone and cold. His face was upright, where as Theo couldn't even look at Nora, his eyes wandering around the ground. She was confused, not understanding what he meant by that, a gush of cold air hitting her warm cheeks; shivers going the girls spine.

"For what?" She asked stupidly, regretting that question, not wanting to follow through with the plan. "Just come." Lucius demanded in an impatient tone, rolling his eyes.

She hesitated, of course; needing someone to say the words trust me, but nobody dared. She felt her feet begin to walk towards them, her arms suddenly getting goosebumps, exiting the room she was in for a while.

It was quiet in the manor, walking down the grand staircase, her legs feeling wobbly, walking in between the men. It seemed way too dark in the manor, curtains closed and an aura of nothing but dark matters. She was unsettled, following Lucius as the back of his neck hairs stood for a second, worrying her a little more.

They were going to the area where the meetings are held. Her head was going in a trance, connecting the dots as soon as she stood in the entrance with Lucius, needing to back out. It was too late, hearing a voice stop the meeting and point to her, it was Rodulphus, right beside her cousin, interrupting.

"Ah Nora Black, please join us and take a seat right beside your best friend." His voice echoed, her eyes shifted down the table, wide being when she saw him sitting there with his head down, ashamed of his actions.

"You came back out now Nora." Lucius told her, grabbing her arm to come and sit down with them. "But I'm not to be trusted." She hissed to her brother in law, Lucius scoffing at her.

"The dark lord said you are. Now sit."

"Does this girl ever wake up?"

Her eyes were still closed, interrupted by a sound of a yell, almost annoyed with the situation that was happening. "Will you two idiots shut up, she's obviously sleeping."

Her eyes fluttered, her head resting comfortably on a desk as five people stood around her with concern, forgetting where she was for a second, in a classroom, clearly missing a whole lesson about things she needs to know.

"Ah! She is awake." Her eyes were a little blurry, scoping them out to be Pettigrew, cheering for a second. "Fuck, what did I sleep through?" She asked, pinching the bridge of her nose, hearing a snort from her brother. "Ancient runes, Professor didn't even care." He explained.

IN RUINS- James PotterWhere stories live. Discover now