Chapter 97

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I was no longer scared. I just wanted to end everything.

I decided to go back to bed after my encounter with Marcus. I was in no way sleepy yet, but I needed rest. Its been a very long day, and I know I have some longer days ahead of me.

I lay down trying to think of a battle plan.

Something, anything that could give us an edge over them. Over Sarah.
No one is invincible. They're not God.
They must have a weakness.
They just must.

I tried to mentally analyse all the time I'd spent with Sarah, even going as far back as the night I saw the creature and even before that, when I saw them floating in the woods.
There must be a way to stop them.

After spending what felt like an eternity thinking about what to do, I finally settled on a thought.

Not exactly a thought that was going to automatically save the day, but a thought that could get us started.

It was something. At least I hoped it was.
I needed to make sure it was.


The day couldn't have broken soon enough. I did manage to fall asleep, during which, at some point Damon returned. But it was a restless sleep. I didn't like the feeling of sleeping soundly when there was this danger looming over us.
I wanted to be actively doing something.
So as soon as those rays started peeking over the horizon, my eyes shot open and I got out of bed.

I left Damon lying in  bed. He seemed to be still asleep, he spent practically the whole night out. Probably searching for answers as well.

I went to the bathroom in my old room to freshen up and get dressed. I didn't want to risk making noise and waking him up.
It was still pretty early in the day to be up, but I needed to get a head start on stuff.

And the first thing I did once I got out was send for a certain someone.
I wasn't exactly sure where to find her myself, but I knew she would be around Evelyn. Although considering how early it is, unless she's bunking with Evelyn, I doubt I would find her at Evelyn's hut.

So, instead of going on a wild goose chase and wasting time, I just asked one of the guards to please get her for me. He apparently knew exactly where she was since he immediately stalked off in the direction of the packhouse.
That makes sense.

I would use this time to go do some research in the pack's archival book storage at the library. I needed to find out what kind of creature we were dealing with here. Hopefully, one of the books would shed some light on this situation.


"Well, she certainly isn't a minotaur." I said to myself, rubbing at my eyes. I guess sleep had finally caught up with me, and I was beginning to feel tired.
Having gone through countless books, I finally found one that was some kind of encyclopedia on creatures. I have studiously gone through every single page, starting from 'A' and reached the 'M' section, my eyes getting droopier by the minute.

But I had to go on.
"Monoceros,... a one horned stag horse elephant boar hybrid... yeah, she's definitely not that either."

"Mugwump... Mummy..., Meer-mi-coh-lion?" What a mouthful. "Hmm, maybe that?" I asked myself, flipping over the page to read the description.

"I highly doubt she's an ant-lion hybrid." A voice suddenly startled me from behind.

I got up quicker than I could register and was almost at her throat before I realised that it was just Sorayah.
Which I confirmed after taking a look at her arms.

"Sorayah," I said, my stance relaxing,  "you made it."

She smiled at me and gave me a slight nod. "Yes, Alpha calls, I respond."

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