Chapter 104

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I was at Evelyn's place now. Seated in the same chair I was when she told me that people were after me.
Same chair I sat in when I was freaking out and scared.

Same chair I'm now sitting in with determination and fierce resolve.

"So, is it something you can do?"
I asked her.
This was probably the most important aspect of my plan, our plan.
If this failed we wouldn't even have a plan.

She pressed her lips together in a thin line, contemplating.

I was getting more and more anxious by the second.
"Look, it's not the 'doing' it that's the problem. It is being able to sustain it that I worry about."

I swallowed. "Of course, it's going to require a lot of energy and can put you at risk. I should have thought about that."

She shook her head. "It's not exactly myself I am worried about. If I can't sustain the spell," she rose her brow, "Then the plan would most likely fail, and then everyone would be in danger."

Of course, that too.
I sighed.
But there was no other way around this. We needed her to do this spell otherwise we'd all be screwed.
Sorayah isn't back yet either. I wouldn't know who else could do the spell.

Maybe we should rather look for ways to empower her.

Empower Evelyn.
What could we do to give her enough energy to sustain the spell?

Almost immediately my hand landed on my chest.

Evelyn's eyes snapped to me. She knew exactly what I was thinking of. It was a great idea.


Apparently not.
"Yes! Of course. The moonstone gives us energy. It would certainly be more than enough to sustain you for the spell."

"Adriane, I don't know if you know how the Alpha procured your set of moonstone gems, but moonstone is not easy to come by."

I knew that moonstone wasn't so common. And initially it had baffled me how quickly they'd been able to get it for our ceremony, but then I found out that he already had the moonstone. Something that had been acquired a very long time ago along with a lot of other priceless gems and artifacts that Damon kept in a very secure off grounds safe.

But if it's so hard to find new moonstones, why even bother?
"I have a moonstone right here. So does Damon." I said pulling the gem out from where I'd tucked it underneath my shirt.

There it was, ever bright and ever glowing.

"As beautiful and tempting as that moonstone is, it belongs to you Alpha. It is your activated moonstone that should be worn by you, to give you energy. Not someone else."

"But what does it matter?" I asked taking the moonstone off me. "If that's what you need to sustain the spell so that it doesn't drain the life out of you, why won't you take it?"

"Because," she got up and took the moonstone out of my hand, "this will happen."

I watched as the moonstone slowly dimmed down and all light faded out from it, leaving behind only the beautiful shiny white marble rock.

"Wha-" I was confused.
Ever since we got the moonstone necklaces I haven't taken it off.

One wise thing you've done. Except for today.

Shut up.
We need this to work.

True. I agree.

Evelyn shook her head slowly and placed the gem back in my hand.

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