Chapter 24

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Quick note: I just wanna thank all of you guys for reading and for getting this far, it means a lot. You guys are just so awesome. Thanks, love y'all. *Sharon S.


It took Damon less than a nano second to wedge himself between me and the strange dude.

The guy, obviously not pleased with Damon's current stance, that is between him and I, growled at Damon.
Damon, whose entire being was currently focused on me, and probably how he was gonna throw me out of here turned slighlty to face the guy.

A twinge of surprise crossed his face, probably at the fact that the guy actually growled at him, like he didn't believe that he'd had the audacity.
But it wore off almost immediately when he let out a growl of his own, his eyes becoming alight. Damon's growl was felt far more than the previous growl, completely feral and overpowering Hazel eyes.

It thrummed through me, and by the awkward looks being exchanged at the table, they were most likely feeling it too.

With a hard jaw, Hazel eyes took an unwilling step back, his eyes narrowed at Damon, and Damon unflinching.

Damon turned back to look at me with a deadly glare and then walked me to the door and rushed me out of the building.

As soon as we stepped out onto the grass he yanked my arm and made me face him.

"What the hell were you doing in there?" His eyes were still glowing and his voice was like three octaves lower.

"Uh, I-I uhm, I, kinda... uh-"
Since when do you stutter?

I don't know, don't ask me stupid questions.

Damon growled obviously annoyed at my inability to come up with a coherent sentence.

Couldn't say I blame him.

"Marcus!" Damon shouted tilting his head to the right a bit.
Guess he was too mad to even mindlink.

Within seconds Marcus was out and standing right next to him.

"Take her to the house, do not under any circumstance let her out, and don't let anyone in." Damon quickly gave out his instructions without taking his eyes off of me.
I of course was keeping my head down a bit.

"Yes Alpha." Marcus nodded.

I snuck a peek at Damon and he was still looking at me, he caught my eye for a minute and then violently shut his.

When he opened them he didn't even look at me, he just turned and walked back to the building, obvious tension in his shoulders as I watched his retreating figure.

I on the other hand was being led back to Damon's house.
Yay me.

So here I was in his house, on lock down.

I was lying in my 'supposed' room on the bed staring at the ceiling.

The door to the room was immediately locked the moment I stepped inside, and so was the front door.

Marcus had locked us in the house under instructions from the Alpha, his words exactly, and so now here I was.

I had turned on the TV but it wasn't enough to distract me.

I had been lying here for about an hour now, just thinking.

I could see from the window that Marcus had left the house and was now standing outside. On guard.
This seemed like a punishment for both of us.

Surely he had better things to do than to babysit a wandering teen.

I sighed.


The word caused a shiver to run down my back. I had almost forgotten about that.

What the hell did he mean by that?

Mine? Who? What?

Well, he could have meant anything.

Maybe he was talking about, about... maybe the door?
Yeah right.

Ugh, I am literally even too confused to think about it.

And Damon obviously took it well.
I hope he didn't go back there to rip anyone's head off. He's more than capable.


Why, why did I have to go there?

I'm so stupid.
Tell me about it.

Ugh! Its all Mavis' fault.
And how is this her fa-

Shut up! Its her fault.
It's so not.

You're right, it's your fault. You led me there.

We went there together.



Why the hell would you walk up to a stranger and tell her 'Mine'?

I am not an object.

I'm not exactly sure when, but eventually I fell asleep.


I suddenly woke up to a loud sound, which once I opened my eyes, I registered it to have been my door harshly being opened and closed.

I sat up immediately.

My vision was still blurred but I noticed a figure standing by the door.

When my vision finally came back my eyes focused on Damon, standing in front of my door, with his usual I'm-so-serious-look on his face.

He was wearing only white shorts and his hair was really messed up, but in a hot way.
He looked like he just came back from a run.

He didn't say anything for a while though, and neither did I.
He just stood there looking at me with a straight blank face.

I was confused for a minute.

Today's events slowly started flowing through my brain again and I kinda understood why he was standing there like that.
Oh damn it, it wasn't a dream?

He was going to have an outburst again.

I was expecting to hear something along the lines of, 'what the hell where you doing there?' or 'you are going back on exile'.

Exile? Really?

Its not like it hasn't happened before.

It was isolation.

Yeah whatever, same thing.

But what he said wasn't near those lines at all.

At all.

What he said completely and utterly derailed me.

And I for one, would have never expected to hear those words from him.

Especially him.

"I need to mark you."

Sorry for the short chapter but I promise I'll update tomorow, thanks.

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