Chapter 83

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She was still staring him down, in a public show of disrespect and he wasn't having any it.

He let out a low but very powerful growl that I almost felt in my bones. He hadn't even opened his mouth to let the growl out, it just came from within him, but it was felt loud and clear.

I guess I wasn't the only one, as I saw everyone at the table bow their heads down.

Everyone was in submission.

Except the person it was originally intended for.


Headstrong as she was, she managed to keep eye contact, stand her ground and continue her glaring.


In that moment, I saw Damon's features change immediately. His face fell slack and he looked stunned for a moment.
Sarah on the other hand wasn't done yet.

"She is an Alpha and she deserves that respect to be titled an Alpha Female." She spat at him.

What? Why was this such a big deal for her? She was venting out her anger on the wrong issues.

This seemed to snap Damon out of his momentary shock and he growled at her again, this time with a little snare. At the show of teeth though, Sarah backed up a couple of steps this time.
Yet she still wasn't quite done.

And I was almost a hundred percent sure that if she hadn't been my aunt, she most likely would have lost a limb by now.

"She deserves the ceremony and all it entails, or are you going to deny your mate of what rightfully belongs to her, again?"

I must applaud the other pack members though, how they managed to look as disinterested in the conversation as possible while listening to every single word while all still in submission.

Damon suddenly wasn't angry anymore, he just stilled.
I didn't like where things were going, we had already made progress.
And now there was suddenly this thick tension in the room again.

I excused myself from Damon and walked over to Sarah.
He didn't say a word though, he just kept staring at the spot where Sarah stood. Expressionless.

I took hold of her hand and lead her outside.

"Sarah, what are you doing?" I asked her once we were far away from the others, out of earshot. Hopefully.

"You are not just a Luna, you're an Alpha Female Adriane, and should be treated as such." She told me, her voice very firm. "There must be a Blue Moon ceremony. Without it, he will just be undermining your position and power and I will not have that."

What? Undermining what?

"Blue Moon what?"


"Blue Moon ceremony. It is a ceremony that symbolizes the unification of two packs and two heads, an Alpha Male and an Alpha Female. On rare occasion, an Alpha has a girl as an heir, it is even more rare for that heir to be mated with another heir, an Alpha. Hence the Blue Moon ceremony. It is a very rare event." she paused.

"Sarah," I smiled slightly at her. "I'm not an Alpha, I have never been."

She only scoffed, shaking her head at me.
"You became an Alpha the moment your father stopped being one."

"When he died I was four years old, I don't think that qualifies me to be any sort of Alpha. Even at that, there is no pack anymore, how can I be an alpha with no pack? A leader with no people to lead cannot be considered one." I tried to reason with her slowly. I was getting tired of this argument already.

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