Chapter 98

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"She could attack you Alpha."

"She could. And I'll be ready for her. But please, help me find a way, I need to talk to her. There are so many holes in this story that I need to fill out. I'm going crazy."

"What makes you think that she will tell you all this?"

"Because, I've seen the cracks in her armour. I've seen times that she got so emotional she lost control of her act. At that time of course I didn't know it was an act, but now, it is only obvious."

Sorayah looked at me, she wasn't convinced.

"Whoever or whatever she is, she is pulling her memories from somewhere. Somewhere deep inside her, the real person still exists. And I'm not planning or holding out the hope that I can turn her around and make her give up her evil ways, because I know that is highly unlikely, but I want to get under her skin far enough to rile some answers out of her. She will answer me.
I need answers if we are ever going to be able to try and fight them."

Sorayah's expression had not changed in the slightest.
If anything, she seemed even more sceptical now.
And her next words proved it.

"What are you giving in exchange?"

I had to hand it to her, she was very smart.
But this was something I could not tell her.

"You don't need to worry about that. I just need a chance to talk to Sarah. Please."

Her lips pressed together in a tight line, she looked at me for another hard minute before nodding 'Alpha' at me and walking out of the library.

While I sat there, hoping she either bought my lie or at least is just willing to help me, no questions asked.

I was just packing everything back, trying hard to place all the books where I had found them, which proved to be a bit difficult since I had taken so many and the books were not arranged in an alphabetical manner.

It had been in a chronological manner, which I found out after a painful twenty minutes of trying to match letters and serial numbers.

Placing the last few books on the top shelf, I paused slightly in my movements. This time, I knew I wasn't going to be caught off guard because I could hear the footsteps long before they actually got into the wing I was in. And better for her, because with the way I was on edge, another jump scare would have me at her throat.

Looking towards the entrance, I waited for her red head of hair to appear, and Mavis finally stepped in.

"Adrianne?" She called out from the doorway, obviously not having seen me yet.

I called back out to her as I stepped out from behind the bookshelves at the far end of the room.
Walking over to me, she didn't say another word. She just engulfed me in a hug.

And as sweet as this gesture was, I still had doubt in my mind, and I hated myself for it. I hated her for it. Hated the fact that she's caused me to doubt my own friends. Because even as she hugged me, I knew this was Mavis, but yet still, I didn't fully trust myself.

Pulling back a bit, she studied me cautiously, and then she smiled. A sad smile, while showing me her arms.
"Oh, Adrianne, I'm so sorry. James told me all about it."

And after I'd seen her arms, which I shouldn't have needed to see to identify Mavis, my closest friend, I relaxed completely.

I mean, I did want to meet Sarah, but under my terms, and not off guard. Her coming back in disguise to meet me could only indicate that's she's got another plan, and I needed to make sure I get ahead of her before she gets to that.

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