Chapter 130 Behind the facade

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Xie Miao vomited for four or five days before she recovered. By then, the boat had entered the Xiang River and passed through the southern counties of Huguang.

Seeing that Xie Miao was getting thinner and thinner, when the cargo ship docked, Fu Lu took the opportunity to buy a bunch of food near the dock.

She filled the table with food and explained thoughtfully: "Madam, you have a poor appetite recently, so why not eat something fresh to stimulate your appetite. I bought freshly baked steamed buns, as well as vegetarian rice noodles, stinky tofu, sugar-coated cakes, chopped pepper radish and fresh mushrooms..."

The fresh aroma wafted through Xie Miao's stomach, causing her to feel hungry. She had been drinking porridge for several days, and her mouth was tasteless. She really needed to refresh herself.

Fu Lu broke open the steamed bun, stuffed it with chopped pepper and radish, and handed it to Xie Miao, "Try it."

Xie Miao took a bite. The steamed bun was soft, the chopped pepper was spicy, and the radish was crispy. The three flavours intertwined on her taste buds, instantly whetting her appetite.

"Madam, how does it taste?" Fu Lu asked expectantly.

"It's delicious." Xie Miao endured it and stuck out her tongue, saying, "It's just a little spicy."

Fu Lu smiled and poured her tea. "I heard that people here love spicy food. They have to eat chili peppers every day, otherwise they will feel that it has no taste."

Xie Miao drank her tea and ate the remaining steamed buns, her lips slightly flushed.

On a whim, she imitated Fu Lu and stuffed radish slices into the steamed bun. "Come, I'll make one for you."

Fu Lu couldn't refuse, so she had to accept it with many thanks, and she also enjoyed the spicy and satisfying meal.

Xie Miao was thinking of making one for Fang Zhiruo as well, but just as she was done, Cui Muli pushed the door open.

He saw the table full of food and asked inanely, "What is A-Miao doing?"

Isn't it obvious? Eating?!

Xie Miao wanted to pretend that she didn't hear it, but after being taken care of by the other party for the past few nights (even if he asked for it), she felt a little awkward.

She said, "Fu Lu bought a lot of local food, and I just tried some."

He asked, "How does it taste?"

She said perfunctorily, "Not bad."

Fu Lu asked at the right time: "Second Young Master, have you had your meal?"

Cui Muli sat down next to Xie Miao, "Not yet, I'll have some whenever I want."

Fu Lu quickly handed over the chopsticks, "Then please eat some while it's hot."

Cui Muli did not take the chopsticks, and Xie Miao knew he would not take them.

Only a few people know that Cui Muli is afraid of spicy food and cannot eat even the slightest bit of spicy food. He can't even touch the spicy dishes on the table in front of him.

Tsk, how much fun is lost in life.

She was just gloating over his misfortune when Cui Muli took the steamed bun from her hand and said, "I'll just eat a steamed bun."


Before Xie Miao could stop him, she saw him bite off the bun and eat it slowly. As expected, the next moment, his handsome face flushed and sweat dripped from his forehead, but strangely, he seemed to be unaware and continued to eat the bun.

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