Chapter 62: Gas Station in Sight

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Author's Note:

Hey guys, so I want to take a moment to thank everyone again. There are a little over 800 of you who consistently read and 20 who leave comments. I didn't expect ANYTHING like this when I started this fanfiction, and I'm really blown away by all of you Academy lovers (😉) ♡

I really needed this. I feel like we have this comradery and that we are all friends, and I don't know if you realize how much you all crack me up everyday. This story makes me smile. YOU make me smile, and returning your comments doesn't express that enough.

I love you guys. I love feeling like I'm a part of something. Thank you, all.

-Arkie1212 ♡


-Chapter 62-

North Taylor's POV:

When I reached the gas station, the moon was full in the sky. Stars were out, and there wasn't a cloud to see.

Such strange things to fucking notice when a person is dying in your arms.

I knew better than to bring him in the station. Matthew was Academy. More so, he was part of an elite level of operatives. They could not risk having their covers blown.

For all we knew Matthew was another ghost. Maybe his name wasn't even Matthew.

I left him propped up against the gas pumps as I went inside the station.

The girl working there let me borrow the store phone after making some shit comment that I looked like I had walked straight out of a horror film. Psh. Nathan would appreciate that.

I dialed the only number of my brothers that I knew by heart...aside from Luke's, of course.

"This is Mr. Blackbourne."

"It's North. Mr. B, we ran into some trouble out here and--"

"Are you alright? What happened? Where is your location?" In the background I could hear Victor stating that he had already honed in on the gas station I was at. "Are you injured, Mr Taylor? What is the status of Mr. Eli?"

"Matthew? He isn't..." I glanced up at the blonde cashier who smacked her gum loudly as she watched me. "He's feeling sick. He's...going to need to see...Sean."

"Are you not safe right now, Mr. Taylor?"

"I mean, I have both my eyes, so I can't fucking complain," I muttered. Low blow. I know.

"What do you..." Dr. Green must have snatched the phone away because suddenly it was his voice on the line. "North, it's Dr. Green. Are you injured? Victor pulled up satellite pictures and it appears your cellphone's last ping was within a field fire caused by a car crash?"

"Yeah, we rolled and Matthew needs you big time. He..." The cashier blew a pink bubble. When it popped, she bit her lip and mouthed something to me I didn't quite catch. "...misses you a lot."

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