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-Chapter 52-

Matthew Eli's POV:

Three men turned the corner and I sensed them before I saw them. "Get behind us ladies."

A booted foot turned the corner and my gun was out of my holster. For a moment all I could hear was my breathing and the hollow click of a bullet shifting into the barrel of the gun.

And then the sound of fire.

It was deafening.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three of my bullets struck into a thick Kevlar vest. A bullet slammed into the person next to me, knocking them back. Someone screamed. A bullet struck a girl in the side of the face. She spun. A bullet pounded into my chest and I cursed as to more girls dropped.

The boys were panicking as more footsteps came pounding down the corridor.

"Fall in line!" I commanded, but only four people fell into step beside me. North, Luke, Nathan, and Sang, who stepped in front of Dr. Green who was hunched over Gabriel.

Three of the fourteen girls were dead when the second to wave hit.

Eight men came around the corner and four instantly fell to Sang. One to Nathan. Three to me.

Ten more men came. Sang cursed and tore out her second handgun as a bullet clipped her thigh. She stumbled and I shoved her back as a man at the far end of the hall shot at her.

Bang! Bang!

The bullets took me in the chest, and I was pretty sure one of my ribs were broken.

Blood was pooling around the bodies, there's and ours. For a moment my gaze was caught on the dark red liquid surrounding my boots.

A bullet crashed into my right shoulder where the vest ended and blew out the back. My handgun clattered to the floor as I pulled out the other one using my left hand.

I couldn't aim with the eyepatch and two shots went into the wall behind our attackers.

Someone was screaming.

I was out of ammo. My gun gave off a resounding click click click as I found myself unable to fire.

Guards were filling the hall. We were going to be overwhelmed.

And then all of our enemies dropped at once.

What the hell?

Two familiar faces stood behind the sea of dead bodies. Brandon Cross and Turner Jones. They were stepbrothers that I knew through merc work I had done when I was younger. Sick fucks, truly, and I had run with them for many years.

Brandon was known for his sharp teeth and wide mouth. Some said he resembled a shark, but what he was known for was tearing out the throats of his enemies. He stood at nearly seven feet in height and was nothing but muscle. His green eyes glinted with amusement as he watched me from across the hall.

Tuner was barely five five in height with blue eyes and hair so blond that it was nearly white. When we had been younger, kids used to tease him about it and spread rumors that he colored it. Turner beat three of them down in a street brawl and two of them never walked again. The third died, and no one talked about his hair again.

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