October 26th 2016

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"Uh, babe, are we having a Halloween party on Saturday?"


"Jenna just text me saying, 'Count us in for the Halloween party on Sat! Is there a theme?' Funny thing is, this is the first time I'm hearing about it."

"Don't freak out."

"We're having a party?"

"Well, technically, Elias is the one who wanted the party but he's making us host it at your place."

"We're having a party?"


"We are?"


"We're having a party! Whoop! I fucking love Halloween! Oh, God, this is going to be amazing! Are we doing a theme? Can I be a zombie?!"

"You're ok with us having a party?"

"What part of 'I fucking love Halloween!' weren't you following?"

"You're not angry?"

"Why would I be angry?"

"Because I didn't ask you."

"Dude, it's Halloween! So, can I?"

"Can you, what?"

"Be a zombie?"

"Can I be Negan?"

"Yes! That would be amazing!"

"OK, I have to ask- have you been possessed?"






"What, what is it?"

"I have to get an outfit!"

"Ah, so that's why you're so excited about the party! You get to buy a new outfit."

"Well, I don't have anything else to wear."

"You have that nurse's outfit-"


"Matter of opinion."

"Whatever. I need a new outfit, a wig, special effects make up! God, this is going to be so much fun!"

"You worry me."

"Mhm. I have to go."


"Wait! Wait, who else is coming?"

"Coming where?"

"To the party?"



"Everyone. I even asked your parents."

"Why would you do that?!"

"I'm being inclusive."

"This party is going to end up with them being drunk as skunks."

"That'll be fun."

"You're cleaning up their mess."




"I am so excited! I have to go. I need to think about my costume."

"Ok. I'll see you later, babe."

"Ok. I love you."

"I love you, too."

"Hello?" Pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now