Chapter 7

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*Amaya's P.O.V*

Ignoring most of the class, I space out humming to London Bridge is Falling Down. Deciding that since class is taking forever to end I might as well leave. Getting up everyone stares at me, as I walk to the window.

"Amaya what are you doing?" Mr. Teacher asked.

"Leaving the fun way what else?" I respond to him as I climb out the window.

"Class isn't over-"

"Adiós por ahora¹" I say and jump out. Landing on my feet I walk away from the school to a smoothie shop.

"Hi madam! Can I get a strawberry and mango smoothie?" I ask the nice human behind the desk.

"Of course child! Just wait a moment." Walking away for a few minutes to make my order I get the money out to pay when a person behind me grabs my collar.

"Oi!! Let me pay before you take me back!!" I yell out. Mr. Teacher dude listened to me, as the nice lady came back I pay her and grab my smoothie.

"Thank you very you can drag me back to class." As said Mr. Teacher dragged me to class.

*Time Skip*

"WHY WOULD YOU JUMP OUT THE WINDOW IN THE MIDDLE OF CLASS?!? I DONT KNOW WHERE YOUR FROM BUT HERE THAT IS NOT ALLOWED !! YOU GOT THAT AMAYA KIRĀ?!?" Mr. teacher kept on yelling as I was completely emotionless sipping on my smoothie.

"ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING?!?!" He yells in my face.

"I don't give a damn, now get the hell way from my face baka." I tell him as I sit on his desk. "Plus being here is pointless for me, if I wanted to I could have just asked the old man to be a ANBU. But I wanted to scare you humans are no fun. Eh but its to late to say anything about this ninja shit." I say kicking my legs on his desk.


"Ask the old man your starting to piss me off."


I told ya, its gonna be a long day...

Adiós por ahora¹ - goodbye for now

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