chapter 108

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*Kira's P.O.V*

How the fuck did we just doge that?! Nevermind I don't wanna know. The ground started to rumble again beneath Shikamaru and I. Grabbing a hold of me by one ankle he did the same with Shikamaru, so looking around upside down is making the blood rush to my head, I dont like it. "When you have a idiot for a leader the whole team suffers, isn't that right Kira?" I growled at him wanting to hurt him but, Shikamaru gave me a look saying not to. "You don't wanna guy like this, let me get rid of him for ya." He threw Shikamaru, but luckily Choji got him. But I on the other hand was thrown into the trunk of a tree, a sickening crack was heard making everything quiet. I stood up not caring that one of my lower ribs was just fractured. I teleported myself behind the group only to have everyone looking at me in worry. Bob kept going on about how we shouldn't follow a guy like Shikamaru. "Shut your mouth or I'll shut it for ya!!" Naruto yells but Choji stops him by saying he will take on Bob. My eyes widen but I respected Choji, I nod at him showing my respect to which he nods back. "Shikamaru take these food pills for everyone." Choji says handing Shikamaru a bag as they were having their own decision. I placed myself in front of the group ready to defend in case Bob attacked us now. But when he had decided to attack Choji got in front of me and took a green pill before stopping Bob. Mental note-repay Choji. "Shikamaru take everyone and leave!" He yells, to which he nods and tells us to get going.


I was lagging behind because my now fractured rib was poking at my liver. I have to be careful with my movement, cause next thing you know I could have my rib stab itself into my liver. "Eat up, Kira." Shikamaru said about to throw the bag of food pills to me, I shook my head. "N-no thanks" I state biting my lip trying to think of a way to get my rib to stop poking. If we stop sometime soon I could heal it with medical ninjutsu but that is very unlikely. I sighed trying to keep my upper body straight so I could heal it. It probably was a terrible idea but I dont have many other options. My hand glowed a mint green as I placed it over my skin. I had forgotten I was just wearing a sports bra underneath my vest, I could see the bruising and cuts all over my stomach. This caught everyone's attention but only Neji questioned me. "Whats wrong?" I held in a breath, seeing as the poking has stopped. "Nothin'" I stated once I removed my hand from my side.


I was fine for the moment, my rib shouldn't be bothering me until this mission ends. For the mean time I was forced to listen to Kiba talking about how he and Akamaru are worried that Choji might not be able to defeat the fat guy. "Thats completely shit. Choji can handle himself." I muttered after Neji placed his input. I pull out a box of strawberry pocky from my hoodie. Choji stay strong please, I still have to repay you.

When Shikamaru was talking I understood what he was saying. Back before it was Satsujin, Asashin, and I; there was more kids on our team. But they never made it past the age of 8, because they failed. At that time I didn't really care but now, I am actually hoping that Choji stays alive. I held my breath in slightly when I heard Shikamaru say that Choji isn't very confident in battle. Thats bad, people could die that way. I bit my lip as I continued to hear the conversation. Kiba being an asshole said Choji is the weakness one out of all of us. Tsk, this idiot. Every one here is equally matched, the only difference is that we are skilled in different things. Shikamaru smirked at them in a knowing way, as did I. I believed in Choji, though I never said it to him or anything, I do. Thats another reason he has my respect. "That makes the two of us, Shika." I said with a smirk. Luckily I was catching up and was next to him, he looked at me as if trying to tell if I was lying before smiling.


We stopped as Shikamaru was craving something into the tree trunk for Choji. I smiled as I healed my rib a bit more just so I knew I was okay to fight. Choji has to make it, he promised. I got up and took out a kunai, I wrote down my short little message before leaving with the rest of the team.

Come on Choji, I owe you a meal when we get back. So hurry up I don't want it to end up cold.
- Kira

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