Chapter 50

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*Kirā's P.O.V*

Waking up the next morning I found breakfast already made with a note on the table.

Dear Onēsan, I left for the academy early today so I made you some breakfast. Love you Onēsan, see ya later!

Smiling I fold the note and put it in a box, making it my special box. Eating breakfast and washing the dishes, I walk to the old man's office to again help him with work.

When I got there it just so happen that he had a meeting about ninja shit so I wanted to jump in, honestly I had nothing better to do. Sitting in a chair next to him I fill out most of his paper work and add some notes here and there to my black note book. (I feel like Kyoya, hehehe) Like when and where things are happening and who would be where. Or what missions will be given to each team or who to pick for a solo mission.

It was entertaining to me and I see that the old man noticed and had me join in bits of the meeting. The elders seemed impressed with my skill level and started talking back with the old man, ignoring them I got back to the paper work.

By the time the meeting was over I had 90% of the old man's work done and in a neat pile. He wanted me to relax saying that he could finish up the last of the short pile I left. I stubbornly agreed walking out of the office to try and find Panda~Kun. I found him in a clearing doing what pandas do, up in a tree doing nothing but look at the soon to be setting sun. Pooffing next to him I sit down and smile at him, he didn't even look at me....what? No Panda~Kun always tells me how much work I am and stuff.

"Panda~Kun I want you to meet someone, I think you'll like her.~" I pull on his shirt making him look up at me. Shrugging he stands up and follows me to my place, walking in Arashi is on the couch working on her ninjutsu. Hearing the door open she looks my way and smiles, looking past me she sees Gaara and smiles brighter.

"Onēsan your home! Who is that behind you? He looks like a cute panda!" she walks over and gives me a hug, backing up she holds her hand out for Gaara to shake. Gaara looks up at me, his eyes clearly asking what to do. "Gaara meet Arashi Seikatsu, my adopted sister. Arashi meet Gaara of the Sand, he is my best friend. Gaara your supposed to give her your hand and lightly shake it, its supposed to be in a welcoming/friendly manner." Introducing them, and explaining to Gaara how to shake a hand I invited him to stay for dinner.

Nodding, me and Arashi was teaching him how to cook fried noodles and steak. Let's just say Gaara could be a very good chef if he wanted to be.

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