chapter 53

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*Kirā's P.O.V*

As we are going to sign up for the exams Lee stops us. "Hey, you with the attitude! My name is Rock Lee! I want to fight you for Sakura's love!" Lee calls out to Sasuke sending kisses to Sakura. Laughing I call out to Lee who is on the balcony. "Lee your really gonna fight an emo duck ass? You lowered your standards! Hahaha!" Lee gives in a small chuckle, but nods his head. "Yeah it looks like it Amaya." He looks at me smiling "But we both know who is gonna win." Grinning I give him a thumb's up and sit down on the side lines. Looking at both of them I give a short statement before they fought. "You both better hurry I want to sign up for the Chūnin exams.

Sasuke being cocky has this weird moment, Naruto ran to fight Lee but he had manage to knock Naruto out for a bit. While fighting Sasuke, Lee was about to use the secret technique Mighty Baka taught us. Before I can say a word, Guy Sensei's summoning stopped Lee. Then Lee was begging for forgiveness and Mighty Baka popped out above the summoning. Who hit Lee and told him to do 100 laps around the Village.

"Oi! Why you letting him off easy?! You gave me a worst punishment for jumping on you!!" I call put to Mighty Baka. He looked to my direction, and grinned. "Oh Kirā your so youthful!! Do your best for the Chūnin exams!!!" He disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Lee was long gone and my team was looking at me like I was crazy....they are not wrong.

Ignoring them I walk away to sign up because I lost a ton of time already. They didn't follow me till I was already by Kakashi. Nodding at him I walk threw the door and leaned on the wall. Most of the ninja was shocked that a 13 year old girl was doing these exams alone. But I didn't care, I felt something was familiar, I looked around the room and couldn't find anyone that I got that feeling from. This familiar feeling was distracting me but team 7's entrance pulled my attention to them.

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