Chapter 39

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*3rd Person P.O.V*

Sasuke was frozen looking at Kirā's "dead" body, he couldn't think of anything, all he was seeing was a girl no older then himself laying "dead" in front of him. Naruto was crying trying to get Kirā to wake up saying that it wasn't time for a prank but she didn't even move. Sakura and Arashi had no idea of what was going on, all they knew was that everything got quiet. Kakashi was uneasy, was his students okay? Why did it get quiet? How badly hurt are they? Was all he was thinking. The old Geezer, as Kirā calls him, was scared. Haku felt bad about "killing" Kirā, they were pretty close seeing as they both are 'tools'. They where almost as close as brother and sister, but only Haku would describe it like that. Zabuza felt weird, like he was missing something. Had Haku died? Did Haku kill them yet? Had Kirā killed Haku?

A blast of orange chakra came off of Naruto, he was almost demonic. He broke all of Haku's mirrors and attacked him, Sasuke was pulling out the Senbon needles from Kirā's body as Sakura, Arashi, and Tazuna came near him. Arashi ran to Kirā's body with tears in her eyes. She kept shaking her body as if she was trying to wake her up. Sasuke felt a tug at his heart he saw part of himself in Arashi and he saw her almost as a little sister. He placed his hand on her shoulder as she cried over Kirā's body. She turned around and cried into his chest. Honestly he didn't mind he hugged her as he rubbed her back trying to comfort her.

Sakura was frozen, sure Kirā and her wasn't the closest of friends but she still felt sad that she had past. Tazuna looked down at the girl that took on most of the house work for his daughter, the girl that made amazing melopans, the girl that can go from being an emotionless doll to a shy kid. He in all his life was somewhat heart broken. In his eyes she was a child, a broken child looking for someone to put her back together.

They all looked up when Kakashi killed Haku. Then kept fighting Zabuza, but when Gatō showed up everyone paused.

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