Chapter 32

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*Kakashi's P.O.V*

Kirā's speech hit all of us with shock and she had left. Naruto made it his job to prove there are heros in the world. Sasuke was quietly thinking, and Saukra was still in shock. What I was wondering, where did she go?

*Kirā's P.O.V*

I was in a tree, sitting on a branch, looking at the sky. Are Heros real? No. Cause if they were, they would have saved a little girl named Tenshi Seikatsu. But that little girl was killed and reincarnated into a weapon named Amaya Kirā or K13. They didn't save her, they did nothing. They didn't run to save her as she was tortured, forced to kill, lost her mind, and worst of all shattered her hope.

She didn't have love, she didn't have a family, she didn't deserve it. The only person that loved her was her older brother but he died. He was her hero and he died because of her. He named her, he took care of her, and he lost his life for her. She was to young to understand much. All she understood is that it was her fault, she wanted her panda toy and made her brother go get it. If she hadn't done that he wouldn't have died in the house fire.

Before I realized it I had tears falling down my cheeks. I missed him, he was all I needed in my life. I haven't cried since I was visiting his grave, and I'm so tried of it! It won't change, it won't bring him back, it won't make me happy. Wiping my tears I jump down from the tree and started to punch it.

I didn't know how long I was punching it for but by the time I stopped it was almost morning. My knuckles were bloody and cut up, the tree had multiple dents, and I had a cut on my cheek from a chunk of wood that hit me.

Dragging my self up, I started walking back to the old house. I got to my shared room with Saukra with enough time to fix up my injuries, clean up, and make breakfast. This is gonna kill me...

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