chapter 22

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*Rock Lee's P.O.V*

I hadn't see Amaya all day. She wasn't at the training grounds, sweets shop, park, or with her team. I'm starting to worry about her, she's like a little sister to me. It seams as though Neji and Tenten has finally noticed my worry. Neji should have guessed by now what I'm worried about and I can see he is kinda worried as well.

Walking over to Guy-sensei about to ask, if I could stop today's training but he had stopped me before I got the chance.

"I know Lee, you want to check on Kirā, don't you?" I nodded at him pulling out her extra key. I was about to leave when he put a hand on my shoulder. "Well then we're going with you." He said smiling getting the other two, explaining what we're doing.

Since none of them knew where her apartment is, I lead the way. I unlocked her door and stepped into her place. "Woah this place is small..." Tenten said looking around the main area. Neji went straight to her shelf of books, I've seen them all before. Most are about the human body, others murder stories, and a hand full of books explaining human emotions and thought process.

"Why does she have these types of books?" Neji asked holding up a book with the title being about emotions. "Cause she doesn't understand most emotions aside from anger, calmness, and kindness. Thats why people think she's a little off in the head. She always asks me things like 'why do people say sorry?' Or 'does someone say thank you if you help them?' She doesn't like relying on others." I explain grabbing a bag of panda cookies for to snack on. Looking over to the hallway I see her using the wall to help her walk.

"What are you guys doing here?"

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