~Chapter 29~

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“Shane, what are we gonna do? We are fucking screwed.” Derek said. Freya looked confused.

“She can just have the kid.” She said. Derek looked at her.

“She can’t have kids,” Derek said. Freya looked saddened.

“Shane,” I said. Everyone looked at me. “Can I speak to you in private?” I asked. He nodded and we went into the bathroom.

“What if I produced the child for her?” I said. He shook his head.

“No. I made that deal so you wouldn’t have to give up a part of you.” He said.

“But if I don’t do this she will die,” I said. He looked down. “Deny it as you must but I can tell you care about her and if she dies a part of you does,” I said.

“Lola I’m not letting you do that.” He said. I looked at the floor.

“It’s a good thing I don’t listen to rules,” I said walking out of the bathroom.

“He gave me a choice,” Shane said walking out too. I looked at him. “I give him two children and Lola which means Ava doesn’t have to give him a child. Or I give him two children and Ava.” He said. Derek looked at Ava.

“Nice meeting you.” He said to her. She glares at him.

“Just because he found a new toy doesn’t mean he doesn’t still love me a moron. He won’t give me to that monster.” She said. Was I really just a toy?

“Deny it. But you haven’t seen him and her together.” Derek said.

“Guys shut up and listen,” Shane said. I looked at him as I sat on the bed. “I have a plan. It’s dangerous but it just might work.” Shane said. He took Derek and Ava with him to the gym. Freya looked at me and I looked at the ground.

“Oh, honey.” She said.

“Will you come snuggle with me?” I asked. She nodded and we walked in my room. We got under the covers and soon fell as sleep.

Ava’s P.O.V

I walk into his office and smile. “Hello, angel.” He said.

“Hi, Marco,” I said. He stood up. “You called me.”

“Yes, you see your former fuck buddy has found himself a new toy. He isn’t following my rules.” He said. I placed my hand on my hip.

“What do you need me to do?” I asked.

“Take this later to him. Tell him that you owe me a child. I’ll handle the rest.” He said.

“But he thinks I can’t have a child,” I said.

“Good. Keep it that way. An angel doesn’t disappoint me.” He said. I nodded and got into my car then left. I grabbed my phone calling Shane. No answer. I show up to the house and Derek sees me.

“Look what the cat dragged in.” He said. I rolled my eyes.

“Where’s Shane?” I asked. He laughed.

“He’s where he’ll always be. Not interested.” He said.

“It’s important,” I said. He rolled his eyes. He knocked on his door.

“Shane Ava’s here.” He said. No answer. “Did you hear me?”

“Yes, Derek your voice never goes unnoticed.” He said. I smiled remembering his sexy voice.

“You’ll dressed?” Derek asked. My jealousy took the best of me and I walked into his room. There was a girl in here. A tiny girl the same one from the photos. He was in a towel and her in his shirt. I grew jealous more so when she looked worried I would take him from her. During our little chat he had shown more affection for her to in one hour then he has ever shown me. Before I know it we were walking to the gym. As Shane and Derek walk in the gym I stay behind. I wait for the right moment and grab out my phone.

“Hello, Angel.” He said. I smiled.

“Your plan is working perfectly,” I said.

“Perfect. Keep me posted.” He said. I hung up.

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